The cat on the hot tin roof becomes Yurun Xintian

Kassandra 2021-12-22 08:01:06

I saw the beginning of the ice cream battle on the movie channel. The glamorous, mean, and restless Elizabeth Taylor left a very deep impression on me. When I looked again, I found that this was the beginning of the movie.

"The Cat on the Hot Tin Roof" is really a very apt name. At the beginning of the movie, there are various conflicts that cannot be resolved in the hot summer. Wives and husbands, adults and children, fathers and sons, everyone is there. There are contradictions, everyone is annoying like cats on a hot tin roof.

The role of Paul Newman at first made me feel like the child of the catcher in the wheat field grew up. The wealthy family from the upper class of the bourgeoisie hated the morality of the bourgeoisie, and naively shot hostility in all directions, but was trapped in it. There is no way to escape from the quagmire of self-denial. As a result..................According to the explanation in the movie, the reason for the awkwardness turned out to be the lack of love...... After talking to dad twice, he immediately changed his face, and even the sexual orientation was straightened...... It was very clichéd and made people feel like it. Silently choked.

Regardless of the movie's name or the poster, Elizabeth Taylor's role should be the heaviest, but she only shines in the first half of the movie, especially when she debuts, she shows her spiritual anxiety to the fullest. . But since her father came on the court, she was useless. The love of husband and wife could not save her gay husband. She jumped on the hot iron roof for a long time, but in fact she still hasn’t gotten rid of being at the mercy of fate and others. Loved woman-although the ending was rewarded with a little affection, but... I don't know what to say, anyway, it is inexplicable.

In general, the first half of the movie makes you hold your breath and feels extremely powerful, showing the deep-seated dramatic contradictions in all aspects. You are waiting for God to unfold, but the result is confused and rounded in warmth, although the ending is happy ending, but it just makes people feel so weird, it's as unthinkable as to break the curvy man straight.

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof quotes

  • Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: This is a deliberate campaign to ruin Brick!

    Mae Pollitt: He don't need no help.

    Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: [crying] And for the most sordid reasons on earth! Greed! Avarice and greed!

    Ida 'Big Momma' Pollitt: Margaret, darling, don't cry.

    Mae Pollitt: Well, that takes the cake! Who are the tears for? Brick? Big Daddy? Or are they for yourself? Are you crying cause you're childless? You know why she's got no kids? Ask her big, beautiful husband!

    Gooper Pollitt: Mae!

  • Gooper Pollitt: You said I never loved Big Daddy. How would you know? How would he know? Did he ever let anybody love him? It was always Brick, always. From the day he was born, he was always partial to Brick. Why? Big Daddy wanted me to become a lawyer. I became a lawyer. He said to get married, I got married. He said to have kids, I had kids. He said to live in Memphis, I lived in Memphis. Whatever he said to do, I did.