This movie is adapted from the Wolverine mini-comic created by Frank Miller in 1982. The style of this mini-comic based on Wolverine is inspired by the Japanese comic genre "drama painting" led by Kazuhara Kazuo, Koike Kazuo, and Ikegami Ryoichi. "Great influence, especially the manga "Wolf with a Tie", written by Kazuo Koike and written by Takayuki Kojima, has a far-reaching influence on it. The whole book incorporates the elements commonly used by "drama" cartoonists such as ninja ninjutsu, samurai yiri, and jido resistance, such as Kazuo Koike. The villain's name is "Shingen", which simply comes from the character "Takeda Shingen" of the Sengoku period in Japan.
Frank Miller also created the comic "When Robin Hood meets the loyal minister", which integrates the British Robin Hood story and the Japanese historical event "Genroku Zhongchen Zang" as the theme, and the sci-fi samurai comic "Ruroin" that combines the styles of Japanese and French comics.
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