Even if it is a fairy tale, so what?

Lillian 2021-12-24 08:02:19

Golden Romantic

The heart wants what he wants...
Ur so gay!

40-year-old Sandy and 25-year-old Aram are together. It sounds like a fantasy, just because it's sister Ze's movie, so you have to watch it anyway.

Compared with sister Ze's enchanting figure in "Stealing the Sky", the years inevitably leave marks on her body. Only by playing that capable professional, yelling at her husband for beating Aram as her husband, did she know that the beauty is not old.

At the age of 40, with two children, housewives, finding new jobs and finding new love, stories like this should only be found in movies. We can’t even imagine if we had the courage to leave ourselves under such circumstances. Everything familiar, even though it is not so beautiful.

Sandy did it. She had the courage to face everything in life. Even if she met a boy who really liked only a 15-year-old boy, she had the courage to face and accept her inner feelings. She was really capable.

At the end of the film, when I held my hands under the table, I was really touched. Such a beautiful story is a fantasy, so what?

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The Rebound quotes

  • Sandy: Someone like you shouldn't be with someone like me - an old girlfriend with two kids.

    Aram Finklestein: You're an ageist.

  • Lateefah: Aram, I know you took some women's studies courses in college, but other than that, do you have any kind of experience that you think might've prepared you for this job?

    Aram Finklestein: Uhh... I used to buy tampons for my mother.

    Lateefah: YOU... will fit in perfectly.

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