The British cult version of Shennong

Annamae 2022-12-20 12:02:24

A pastor who felt abandoned by his god during the Boxer Movement found his sister was kidnapped by the cult and demanded a ransom after returning home, so he pretended to be a cult member and sneaked into the island where the cult is located, trying to save her sister.

On the small cult island, the priest received the help of the daughter of the cult leader, and discovered that the livestock crops on the island were all produced by a controlled banshee. The banshee could only activate various livestock crops after drinking human flesh and blood. But the banshee got tired, the livestock and crops on the island were gradually dying out, and the three leaders who founded the cult gradually diverged.

In the end, the priest rescued his sister and the daughter of the cult leader, and helped the banshee get rid of the shackles. When he was injured and fell to the ground, he realized that his blood could also activate crops.

In fact, the previous banshee was only the incarnation of the evil spirits of the entire island. After the death of the banshee, the evil spirits of the island continued to choose the male protagonist to inherit the banshee's ability. This is repeated and continuous.

A strong British-style cult thriller. There are no blacks and no Asians on the island. Except for the old and weak, women and children, there are only a group of strong British countrymen with vicious little eyes.

In cult thrillers, the expressions of the characters are very important. Except for the three leaders who founded the cult, the members of the cult who escaped to the island played by the extras have a pious face, treating the "brothers and sisters" on the island with a sincere and strange friendly attitude. It wasn't until the wildfires set off on the entire island that the believers of these cults showed the panic expressions that normal humans should have, and they hugged their heads.

The story itself does not have much freshness, or even a little boring, but the plot arrangement is relatively compact and there is not much procrastination. The part about the banshee guardian is relatively simple, and there are not many horror or bloody scenes. Even the female demon, the most important introduction to the story, is not gorgeous. Apart from using consciousness to guide the male priest, there is not much display of magic power, and it is not even too evil.

If you are used to watching American cult evil spirit thrillers, you will definitely feel that the depth of the film is lacking. After watching it, you will feel a little less enjoyable. Only the typical British potato style leaves a deep impression on people.

Storyline: 6 points

Special effects: 6 points

Thriller level: 4 points

Actor's acting skills: 7 points

Detailed processing: 7 points

Give 6 points overall.

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