Cherry Bomb is an empty one

Clay 2021-12-25 08:01:12

Inspired by Cherie Currie's memoir, there is unfortunately no soul in the story. Under scrutiny of a microscope, the movie failed to show the vulnerability of 2 teenage girls; only pretty puppets were seen walking around sniffing glue then coke.

Depiction of Cherie Curry's family background and brought up was not-so-much necessary; not only does it have little significance to the story, the interaction of Cherie and her sister and father also made a weak tipping point for her breakaway from the band.

But Sex and Drugs and Rock'n Roll along with young good-looking girls complimented with the MV-ish cinematography, who should take the story that seriously?!

*Quite like Kristen Stewart continued to be her awkward self in the movie
**Reminds me so much of the infamous Girl Power group "Shampoo"

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Extended Reading

The Runaways quotes

  • Cherie Currie: What is this?

    Sandy West: It ain't baby shampoo. I call it the dirty sink. A little bit of everything from my parent's liquor cabinet. Just a little, so they can't tell I'm dipping into their stash.

    Cherie Currie: My dad would notice - he likes his booze.

    Sandy West: Is he an alcoholic?

    Cherie Currie: No, he just likes it. He says that's the difference. He likes to drink, he doesn't need to drink.

    Sandy West: I like to drink.

    Joan Jett: The dirty sink is where we're gonna be puking that shit up tomorrow.

    Sandy West: Hey, Salt 'n' Pepper - race you down the hill.

    Joan Jett: You're fucking on.

  • Marie Currie: You know how many new bands think they're gonna make it?

    Cherie Currie: Kim thinks we got a real shot.

    Marie Currie: Kim Fowley? That guy's a total creep. Seriously, I heard he has a coat made out of dog fur.

    Cherie Currie: Well, excuse me if I don't wanna work at the Pup 'n' Fries for the rest of my life.