Enhanced version of Xiaoqiang Judas Cockroach

Reed 2022-12-27 11:23:08

First of all, let’s talk about the science fiction hypothesis. Gene mutations. The first batch will basically die within a short period of time (it should be counted in minutes). After nearly three years of continuous evolution for an unknown number of generations, if it continues to evolve, it is estimated that it will be Changed to "Alien 4".
Variant DNA 2 and 3 have not been watched yet, I don't know if they are the real sequels. There is only one male worm, and the male worm does not have the conditions for camouflage. At the end, what if a child sees one or a few surviving Judas cockroaches mixing into the crowd and fleeing (or then flying away)? Imagine that Judas cockroaches will put on human clothes, and then come to a hermaphrodite or something, this world is Xiaoqiang.
The hostess was stabbed by a larva and was tested for pregnancy later. I thought it would be. It turned out to be unable to conceive.
The child is the child of a shoe shiner, and Judas Cockroach is obviously not wearing shoes. That is, the people wearing shoes are humans, and at the end, the male protagonist comes up and is recognized by the children. In addition, why didn't Judas Cockroach kill the child and the hostess? Why? It's hard to find a bosom friend or friend. It turns out that Xiaoqiang is also very lonely, Genghis Khan.

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Mimic quotes

  • Dr. Gates: My God, the organs, they're... perfectly formed.

  • Leonard: You better tell me, what the hell is going on around here?