It feels average.

Erwin 2022-07-29 21:25:06

The most boring movie I watched recently is to count the posters of this movie. Basically there is no point. The

movie is not so bad for someone to divide it into third-rate, but it can't be regarded as a good science fiction movie. The biggest impact is probably that the story happens. At the feet of people's lives, not far from them. The horrible thing is that this scary factor is not at the feet of people who are waiting to watch the movie, so I am still a person outside the movie. There is a lot less sense of introduction.
Let me ask a question, in 3 years, how many times does that thing have to mutate to achieve the final effect? ​​It can also show a simple IQ, and a mature physiological system. It is more worthy of discussion. The

whole film looks pretty good. Complete, but there are many places where the introduction is not clear enough. For example, the little boy who appeared was useful and useless. In the end, it was not explained clearly. Maybe it is a sequel? I will look at the next two later. (- -#, this movie I actually made three movies.) The

ending is not what I wanted. I am worried that the two scientists will come up with something. (Han, I think there is a sequel, no wonder...) The

whole is average. The recommendations are all. Take a look, you won't like cockroaches anymore.

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Mimic quotes

  • Dr. Gates: My God, the organs, they're... perfectly formed.

  • Leonard: You better tell me, what the hell is going on around here?