Always slow to love

Wilfrid 2022-12-03 16:16:27

People who truly love each other will change themselves for each other.

Love is like an electric flint, illuminating people's hearts and giving them a confident glow.

It has become more and more lovable and lovely, like a barrel of wine, after fermentation and maturation, it has become fragrant and charming from rough and sour.

Women are like this, they become cute because of love.

If you still can't open yourself, then it's because you haven't met someone who truly loves you.

A woman who has never experienced a broken love will never grow up. In love, sometimes it is necessary to be brave once, try once, and obsessively once.

When changing for each other, the two grow up together, this is what love should be like.

Only after experiencing emotional ups and downs can you grow up, get to know yourself better, and finally know what is best for you. It all starts from being broken in love.

She is cute, but she never found her beauty. Until the faithful love was lost, I embarked on a journey to find myself.

The flash in the pan makes people unbearable to look straight. Forever is the invincible romance.

Whether a person is worthy of love, only one knows.

If someone leaves your life, naturally someone is waiting.

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Extended Reading

French Kiss quotes

  • [looking at a photo of Charlie]

    Luc: There is something in his eyes... vain. It is a word, no?

    Kate: It is a word. He has beautiful eyes.

    Luc: Oh, he knows it. You can see it in his smile... not even a smile, a smirk. It is a word?

    Kate: Shut up. Is it a word?

    Luc: Two words.

  • Kate: So you'd risk everything for this?

    Luc: Oui.

    Kate: Do anything to have it?

    Luc: Oui.

    Kate: Get down on your knees and beg?


    Luc: [with feeling] Oui.

    Kate: Then what makes you so different from me? Not much. Admit it.

    Luc: [laughs] Okay, I admit it.

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