Life is very sad, fortunately there are you!

Alexa 2022-11-13 04:27:40

Hello, everyone, I am Sister Talking.

Today I recommend an American film, a girl who has just grown up, facing school, facing her family, facing her own mysterious superpowers and cognitive problems of sexual orientation. The film has a strong metaphor and appreciation.

Title: "Not What I Wish"

The hostess is a boring 17-year-old girl with no friends, no hobbies, low self-esteem and sensitive, her only friend is a black girl, her father’s suicide has always been her heart knot, and her mother’s indifference to this has strengthened her All indifference. She can only write everything in her diary.

This handsome boy has a crush on the heroine. He doesn’t have any friends. He likes to be alone. If he has nothing to do, he will study superheroes. Adolescent boys, of course, want to fall in love. This boy thinks that the heroine is interesting. The hook up.

This girl is the only girlfriend of the heroine. The heroine likes to eat the vinegar of her girlfriend. When she hates her boyfriend, she finds that she seems to have supernatural powers, and what she thinks in her mind will come true.

The hostess likes to write down everything that happened, no matter good or bad, as long as it can express the mood, record it. The cover of this diary is a cat head, a fish tail, and a fish in the mouth, which is very metaphorical.

When the hostess had nothing to do, she played with the boy who had a crush on her. The two told each other's secrets and shared strange things in their hearts.

It's true that the boy likes the heroine. The heroine doesn't know whether she likes men or not, so she slept with him inexplicably. Later, she found out that it didn't feel right, and she didn't like it at all.

One day, the hostess stayed in school and went to the library. She vaguely felt that she saw something, but it was like a dream. After her inner emotions swelled, all the books in the library collapsed.

The boy saw the heroine's supernatural powers. At a previous dance, the heroine kissed her best friend. After running out, the entire forest collapsed with a roar, which happened to be seen by the boy.

The boy took out all kinds of books, tried all kinds of ways to help her stimulate her special abilities, and wanted to help her how to control, but all ended in failure.

The hostess herself is lost in thought, and everything around her will suffer when her emotions come. If she is controlled by something inexplicable, what's the point of being alive.

Slowly she understood that the person she liked was a girl, and that boy could only be regarded as a friend. She cheered up and went to the room where her father committed suicide to explore the truth. Her mother finally told her the truth, and she was finally relieved of all this. NS.

After that, she became more confident and dressed up to participate in very important dances. During the dance, her best friend also expressed her feelings for the heroine. It turns out that she also found that she felt for the heroine. The two of them just wanted to be ambiguous...

At this moment, the girlfriend’s boyfriend came to the stage and grabbed the microphone and said that he had found a diary. It was written about the heroine’s secret love for his girlfriend. He wanted to read it, but the heroine was very panicked and just wanted to Asking the other party to shut up, but using too much force, the other party's head fell directly.

She was so frightened that she walked out, covered in blood, and went to the small woods she liked to go, only to find that mysterious person appeared.

Adolescent children have a particularly ignorant attitude towards love, and cannot control their inner emotions. They also don’t know whether they like men or women. Panic about the unknown will cause extreme character. If they have reasonable guidance, they will be clearer. Cognition.

Love has nothing to do with gender. It does not have to be the same as others to be normal. It is normal to recognize what you love and respect what you love.

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