Lightly like

Theresa 2022-11-27 04:31:30

In the examination room, the teacher angrily asked who else wanted to detain? Stanley stood up abruptly in order to protect the person he liked, and plucked up the courage to stare at the teacher, then squeezed his body and drew a serpentine shape with both hands and pushed the book to the ground. He hesitated and followed out "mother fucker". I decided to add an extra star to the show for this scene, it was so cute.

It's a very interesting drama. The plot is unremarkable (except for super powers), and the characters are all light, but it attracts me to watch it. The hostess's face is a bit pleasing, cool and somewhat beautiful like a British princess. The male protagonist is the most characteristic and interesting here, especially his every move, gay gay, weak and humorous. Lily is also ok.

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