Thought it would be very mournful, but it's quite "cool"?

Virgil 2022-08-04 15:42:43

Written in the front: The reason for saying "cool" is partly because the seven episodes were released at once, which was very enjoyable; partly because of the ending. But to be honest, the middle few episodes are quite awkward. If it were not the last big deal, it might not be so high.

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The first five minutes was very eye-catching. At first, I thought it was a combination of "Fuck Him*'s World" + "Sex Education", a funeral drama about rebellious teenagers. (For example, at the beginning, introducing yourself and subsequent characters in sequence while walking and narrating is very similar to the method of sex education, and the style of BGM is similar to that of the world where I went to him*) But the trend has changed in seven minutes: the heroine uses ideas Success makes nasty people less arrogant. (Such superpowers are not unfamiliar in various film and television dramas)

This restaurant is a bit familiar, I thought the main lady opened her mouth to scold the waiter hhhh
Faucet: How dare I speak

Family problems and interpersonal issues are basically narrated: for example, father suicide, few friends, etc. So at the end of the first episode, the contradictions and conflicts all appear one by one, with a very concise rhythm.

ps: This little light plays well, the background is half-yin and half-yang, and the light spots on the characters' faces express the complex and chaotic mood.

Things intensified and the list of "victims" of the heroine became longer and longer. She tried to tell the hero and girlfriend a few times but she was hesitant (if she was as decisive as kiss sex), it was like most adolescence. Like a girl, she feels that everyone is staring at her, not daring to take off her jacket, and will keep recalling embarrassing scenes (here with quick cut flashback visualization, with tinnitus, it seems more depressing and uncomfortable) and At the same time, the girlfriend and Bradley had a big quarrel. The hostess and the girlfriend lay on the bed and the atmosphere was subtle. Then they kissed, and the sexual relationship suddenly became blurred.

More than half of the episodes, but the problem has not become clear: the upper limit of superpowers-unknown; sexual orientation-unknown; family conflicts-unresolved. It became somewhat clear at the beginning of the fifth episode. In fact, I personally think it also has a certain suggestive and foreshadowing meaning: four people + Jenny was left in the gym, and the female lead called the male lead plus a girlfriend after doing things in the library. 3. People cooperated to steal library surveillance video, so the scumbag and Jenny were left behind. From here, the three people clearly stood in the same camp, and the relationship between the heroine and the girlfriends was further eased, so the final outcome was unexpected, but it was considered tenable after careful consideration.

The last two suspense left: 1️⃣Diary on the ground 2️⃣The identity of the person tracking the heroine is believed to be the main conflict in the second season. I have to say that the creators are too bad. This season they are only responsible for throwing out problems but not solving one of them. The only solution is the "problem-throwing person" hahahaha (solved well)

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