I can't write a short comment

Friedrich 2022-12-17 07:19:30

I started to see some clips related to China on the Internet, ah~ I didn't expect it to feel so confusing after reading it.

There are hypocritical scientists, neurotic generals, rebellious daughters, cheap media PR (only Twitter), etc., etc., a lot of complicated, the plot is also, work pressure, love and family, same sex, and even more What kind of children's education, the concept of marriage, the protagonist is always in a hurry to fight fires everywhere. The two lines of family career are all manifestations of the mid-life crisis.

It can only be said that with the framework of the mid-life crisis, what is left is the addition of fashionable elements, such as political correctness, stereotypes, Chuanhuang, and Douyin, just like the "technological upstarts" in the concept. Nothing is too much, and the irony is not enough. I feel that I can cut off all the useless branches, and set up a fake scene and make a sitcom for the rest of the content. There is a saying that the shooting and post-production of the scene are good, and there are quite a lot of scenes. In the last episode, the mountain bike rides, I thought I was filming the MV, but it was all in vain under the trivial plot.

Excerpts from Love Songs MV:

Backlight and soft


Return of love

Steve Carell, as a screenwriter and lead actor, I think he can handle this neurotic and nervous character better. In this show, his state is just like his "NO!" emoticon pack.

In the posts of other friends, he found that he had mentioned the rise of China in The Office ten years ago, and he did not know what fate he had with China or a holiday. I started to read it because of a piece about China. After reading it, uh... This is where I pulled out a Cold War script and changed it. Brain remedy the process: find a script for the space race during the US-Soviet Cold War, type in Word, find all "CCCP" and replace with "CHINA", that's it!

Some viewers may find it very "fresh" or something that has finally become a war wolf-like speech that the United States values ​​its opponents. This is just a "cold war joke" based on the premise of the China threat theory. There used to be a lot of US and Soviet Union, such as "Rocky 4". I still remember that there was a war between the U.S. and Soviet humanoid robots. They really drove up to each other and forgot their names. The tactics in this play are also quite old-fashioned. The United States has become vulnerable and bullied. China is a huge evil empire. As the weaker party, the United States has risen to fight back...

To be honest, it's hard to go far by relying on jokes. There is no chemical reaction between the characters and the plot, it is really like watching a melodrama. The only thing that struck up was watching the previous episodes. General Mark’s wife went to jail for some reason. He and Professor Mallory deepened their understanding every day. I thought they would get together. I didn’t expect the professor to be really gay, but with a sweetheart, Maybe it has nothing to do with the middle-age crisis. In the end, this is a tragic love story of a man and a man~

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Space Force quotes

  • General Mark R. Naird: Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?

  • F. Tony Scarapiducci: I saw history being made and couldn't resist being part of it.

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