
Elfrieda 2022-12-29 02:39:00

Comedy, the reason why it is called comedy, is really popular because of its humorous description of escape from the essence, which is the resonance of extremely asymmetric funny images in people's hearts.

Comedy is not the frequency of a few minutes to make people laugh; it is not a form of expression that is extremely uncomfortable and exaggerated; it is not a performance made up of a few untimely jokes.

Comedy is always a form of expression created by a small group of people who do not want to live in the life they live in, and do not want to be lived in by this life.

Because they are dissatisfied with the bad president in reality, people can criticize him online, make a video to satirize him, and even write a long essay to express opinions that don't exist. But this writing has been commonplace in the past four years, but you have never seen anyone who can express the bad life around you in a humorous way. This is what I am talking about, a small group of people.

Only a small number of people understand that some things in reality are really unchangeable, and they are beyond the reach of their lives. Instead of stumbling, it is better to pass by with a frank smile.

These are the people who created the space force and its lovers.

Am I touting myself?

Maybe, but you can't deny the fact that the Space Force drama does say things that many people dare not say, and express opinions that many people do not dare to express. When you understand, maybe it is the best way to cover up the tears that will be left with a smile.

Seeing a lot of people talking about real-time, I couldn't help but interject. After all, this is a comedy close to the facts. After 20 years of learning, people will not be able to understand this drama.

When the protagonist said the sentence: "We hate that we are always being stepped on by people", the people in the whole scene are stunned, all staring at each other. This scene actually expresses that the upper-class Americans know their hegemonism. Don't think that they all take it for granted. Don't the elites who can manage the 300 million people have this awareness?

When you talk to the so-called American elites, the more you talk to them, the more you will find that they are actually more worried about who will surpass the United States, but how much the United States will have to pay when it falls behind.

So knowing that all of this is wrong, but we still have to stick to this path, even if it blocks the fate of the entire mankind.

So peaceful rise? Forget it, it's impossible.

Of course I believe there should be other ways, but can we find it? Before we find it, can we solve our own problems?

Some people say that this drama is black China, but if you think about it, can you praise China? You have to know that in the United States, if you dare to say a little bit of good things about China, that's not correct.

Therefore, the space force can tell people in a humorous way that China is an adversary, but the communication channel of this adversary is open. Today's China is not the autistic China before. China now wants to integrate into the world more and more, but the United States does not know how to accept China's existence for the time being, and China is also very confused about how to get along with the United States.

In the general environment of the United States, only negative views or speeches about China can be accepted by people and will not be so harsh.

But now is the 21st century, no one wants to hear or see the bloodshed anymore. The value of human life has grown unprecedentedly in the entire human history, and the death of an ordinary person will be magnified infinitely, and even the whole world will know (you know what I'm talking about). So this also explains why the leaders of the various armies who challenged so severely at the meeting were not able to cope in the end. Because it is true that human lives are very valuable now!

So what the future will look like is still in everyone's hands. With more and more equal rights and transparency of information, I think those who determine the future direction of mankind will be more rigorous and more cautious. Rather than today, we always figure out how many missiles we have and how many aircraft carriers the other side has.

There are also many parts in America's own problem dramas, and most people may not even understand the Americans themselves. In fact, we don't need to talk about this part, but we can talk about cultural perceptions for the time being.

The forced sexual component in the play makes us feel out of place, even tasteless. But understand that in the West, sex is a very important part of them, and it can be talked about publicly. Once they stand on their side, many things make sense.

Don't ridicule Western sexual concepts, just as they ridicule the conservativeness of Easterners, but keep reading.

Dr. Chen tried to guide Lieutenant Angela in one scene, and Lieutenant Angela was puzzled why Dr. Chen was unwilling to take her hand. I have seen many people say that this is a stereotype of Asians, but it is not. This is a good description of the implicit culture of the East. If Lieutenant Angela laughed at or forced Dr. Chen's hand, that would be a stereotype.

And if people who were born and grew up in the East or accept Eastern concepts, educated people imitate Western concepts in order to integrate into Western society (not only in developed countries), such as the sex mentioned earlier, the final outcome will inevitably be a failure. Be looked down upon by others.

To receive respect, you must first learn to respect yourself. Many people only know about being humble, but they don't know that before being humble, you have to have noble integrity and strong capital to be humble. In other words, inferiority is not the same as being humble.

When talking about Dr. Chen and Lieutenant Angela, I have to say that the play promotes the concept of matching Asian men and black women.

In fact, in white-dominated societies, white men's dominance over women of various ethnicities is generally promoted. This can be explicit or implicit. When Asian women prefer white men and white women prefer black men due to various reasons and bizarre ideas, are there only Asian men and black women left? Don't ask why I came to this conclusion. That developed state in the United States is like this. Although I don't quite understand and find it ridiculous, this is the truth.

In fact, it is not. Screenwriters should not arrange how to live for everyone. No one has the right to do this. Everyone should not be guided by others when choosing a partner. The embarrassing status of Asian men in the current American society is formed by special reasons. , Not because of its own problems, but because of a series of historical events. The upper strata of society dominated by whites do not have to be merciful and pitiful. I believe that as long as Asian men regain their lost traditional ideas and develop them into unique products that integrate with today's society, they will certainly rely on the so-called stereotypes. Of course, this does not depend on them, in the final analysis, it still depends on China. Think about it, the social improvement of Asian men in recent years has not been due to the growth of China's national strength. Do you think there is a relationship between the two? Yes, the Chinese in English is Chinese. Do you really think that your birthplace is in Ohio, so people don't treat you as a Chinese? Innocent.

There is still a lot to say in the play, but because it needs to be written in Chinese, it must be read from the perspective of a Chinese. More people understand and are willing to understand. But as I said at the beginning, comedy is just passed by with a smile, why bother to make a long story, so that people are too exhausted, no, just like today's Sino-US confrontation, just pass by with a smile, why bother to talk about it all day long. Just be more serious when doing things, just like in the play, dismantle all the people’s bases, it’s all right.

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Space Force quotes

  • General Mark R. Naird: Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?

  • F. Tony Scarapiducci: I saw history being made and couldn't resist being part of it.

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