Interesting talk about the Chinese and American military uniforms in the play: the intentions of the US military, the almost meaning of the People's Liberation Army

Loyce 2022-05-29 16:38:08

The protagonist, Mark Nelder, wears a full set of honor watches for most of the play, full of eleven rows ! I sorted it out.

Row 11!

U.S. Army Order of Merit

At the top of the honor list is the skill badge, which are:

Intermediate space badge;

Senior astronaut badge;

The honor table is as follows:

first row

Outstanding Service Medal of the Ministry of National Defense;

second row:

Medal of Merit plus copper oak leaf clusters means to get 2 times;

Merit Flying Cross;

Third row:

Bronze Star Medal;

Purple Star Medal;

Fourth row:

Medal of Military Merit of the Ministry of National Defense;

Military merit medal plus 2 copper oak leaf clusters, which means 3 times won;

Fifth row:

Air Force Medal, covered by a collar;

Aviation Meritorious Medal;

Aviation Award Medal, with copper oak leaf clusters, means 2 times won,

Sixth row:

Air Force Combat Action Medal, covered by a collar, plus 2 copper oak leaf clusters, which means 3 times won;

Collective combat awards,

The Air Force’s loyalty and bravery collective award, plus 3 copper oak leaf clusters, means 4 times won;

Seventh row:

Organizational Excellence Medal

The National Defense Service Medal, plus a bronze star, means that it has been awarded twice for participating in the war;

The Southwest Asia Service Medal, plus a bronze star, means that it has been awarded twice for participating in the war;

Eighth row:

The Afghanistan Campaign Medal, plus a bronze star, means that it has been awarded twice for participating in the war;

The Iraqi Campaign Medal, plus a bronze star, means that it has been awarded twice for participating in the war;

The Global War on Terrorism Expedition Medal;

Ninth row:

The Global War on Terrorism Service Medal;

Aerospace Action Medal;

The Air Force’s overseas short-term service award form, plus A and silver oak leaf cluster, means that it has been awarded 6 times and performed missions in the Arctic Circle;

Tenth row:

The Air Force Expedition Service Medal Form, plus a frame and a silver oak leaf cluster, means that you have performed missions in the theater and won 6 times;

The Air Force’s long-term service award list, plus 3 silver oak leaf clusters, means 16 times;

Air Force Light Weapons Principal Marksman Award List,

Eleventh row:

Air Force Training Award Form;

Kuwait Liberation Medal (issued by Saudi Arabia), ornaments are inherent;

Kuwait Liberation Medal (issued by Kuwait);

I checked in accordance with the U.S. military regulations, and the order is correct.

This season did not mention too much about General Nelder’s previous experience, but if his role is consistent with the honor list, it is a person who participated in the 91 Gulf War, the Afghanistan War in 2001, the Iraq War in 2003, and perhaps the Middle East. Senior officers in other military operations.

In addition, the protagonist has also participated in a long-term training in aerospace and obtained a qualification certificate.

Hidden mystery


General Nelder complained about the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gorabston in the play, and there is a certain reason. The badges and honors worn by General Gorabston are as follows:

Old enemy's military uniform

Senior pilot badge

first row:

Merit Flying Cross;

Outstanding Service Medal of the Ministry of National Defense;

Medal of Merit plus copper oak leaf clusters means 2 wins;

second row:

Bronze Star Medal plus copper oak leaf clusters means 2 times;

Medal of Military Merit of the Ministry of National Defense;

Military merit medal plus 4 copper oak leaf clusters, which means 5 times won;

Third row:

Air Force Medal plus copper oak leaf clusters means 2 wins;

Aviation Meritorious Medal;

Aviation award medal;

Fourth row:

The Air Force Commendation Medal plus 3 copper oak leaf clusters means 4 wins;

Collective Combat Award plus copper oak leaf clusters means 2 wins;

Collective awards from the three services;

Fifth row:

The excellent unit award plus V and 3 copper oak leaf clusters indicates that the heroic action has been won, a total of 4 times;

War Readiness Medal;

The National Defense Service Medal plus a bronze star means that it has been awarded twice for participating in the war;

Sixth row:

The Global War on Terrorism Expedition Medal;

The Global War on Terrorism Service Medal;

Humanitarian Service Medal;

Seventh row:

The nuclear deterrence action medal plus N and copper oak leaf cluster means that they directly participated in nuclear deterrence on duty and won twice;

Air Force Overseas Short-term Service Medal Form;

The Air Force’s long-term and short-term service award form plus a copper oak leaf cluster means that it has been awarded twice;

Eighth row:

Air Force long-term service award list;

Air Force Light Weapons Special Marksman Award List;

Air Force Training Award Form;

It can be seen that the general Gorabston is not as good as the protagonist General Nelder in terms of merits and combat qualifications. No wonder he complains about the latter.

PLA uniform

A video call between the People’s Liberation Army and the Chief of Staff of the US Space Force appears briefly in the play.

Since it is a high-level dialogue between the astronauts of the two countries, the United States is the protagonist, that is, the chief of staff of the space force, the four-star general.

The Chinese side should be the commander and general of the PLA Strategic Support Force.


In this way, the level equivalence in the play is correct.

The problem is that there is a problem with the honor list (level qualification stamp) of the PLA general.

The commander of the service is at the Zhengda military district level. The six ranks of honors are correct, but the rank of honors does not meet the requirements.

The current arrangement should be:

1 year chapter-level chapter-2 year chapter

3 year chapter-4 year chapter-5 year chapter

1 year chapter-10 year chapter-2 year chapter

And so on.

This general of the People’s Liberation Army is at the Zhengda Military District level and must be filled in six rows, but 34 years of military age is not enough to fill six rows. The correct way is not to use the year stamp of more than 4 years, and fill it with the year stamp of 3 years or less. Six rows.

But this one is good. It still took 10 years to fill up the six rows with 1-2 years.

Because China's astronauts belong to the strategic support force , and the strategic support force is basically the same except that the chest badge and armband are different from the army uniform. The chest badge, armband and name badge of this person in the play are deliberately shaded, so I think it is correct for the time being.

However, the tie was crooked, and there should be a national flag and a military flag behind it, and it turned out to be two national flags.

Quite meaningful

The following is slightly...

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Space Force quotes

  • General Mark R. Naird: Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?

  • F. Tony Scarapiducci: I saw history being made and couldn't resist being part of it.

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