Record some details that are not shown in the TV series [make up the final whereabouts of the main character]

Bernadette 2021-12-24 08:02:01

The details of all aspects in the original work are very full. Basically, the appearance of a named character will have an introduction to the character.

All from the brain that has read the original work again + some bookmarks, there may be mistakes in memory, corrections are welcome~

By the way, about the most common weapons they use, there is a detailed introduction in the original book. Evan Wright really understands very comprehensively and is a very competent war correspondent!

Ten-star recommends reading the original book, the details in the book are beyond the reach of the TV series.

If you are struggling in English, you can choose to publish books in Chinese... But in some places, the translation is a bit difficult to say (in terms of terminology, you can see that you have tried your best to search for information, but the common sense grammar is very different from the original meaning...

In my impression, all the characters with height mentioned are more than 1.8 meters. The TV show looks short because of the actors, but they are actually giants (I guess because the standard for the Marine Corps to enter the team is this height range. !) So Nate is a big man of 6 feet 2 (188cm). This is how the reporter described Nate ’s looks.

He is six foot two with light-brown hair and the pleasant, clear-eyed looks of a former altar boy, which he is

——Light brown hair, clear eyes, and a likable closeness, looking like an ancient altar attendant.

Nate is younger than brad, and even the entire row is relatively small.

Regarding age, only a few have been noted. Brad, 28 years old Nate, 25 years old Ray, 22 years old

The reasons why they joined the army and their identities before joining the army are varied . Some wanted to study medicine but transferred to the military academy (referring to nate) after graduating from an Ivy League university where they were studying; some were because their parents wanted to make themselves stupid. Children with no social skills can mix and eat; some parents want their children to escape school shootings; some have no choice but to join the army because of taking drugs after being in prison for several times; some have been admitted to major universities but rejected the offer Become a soldier (like poke or Espera?); some dreamed of becoming a rock star before joining the army, even if he was a fat man with weak constitution and not good at sports before becoming the sharpest special soldier (Ray); some Because I was bullied and even forced to have sex with men since I was young, I joined the army to protect myself (Rudy).

They come from all corners of the world, with different races and beliefs, and discriminatory conflicts between races occur from time to time. But some brothers will laugh at the other side as a humble Mexican and at the same time be laughed at as being black, but they are still good friends.

The second row led by Nate is divided into three teams, and each team has a team leader. Brad is the captain of the three teams. The reason why he is competent is because of the wolf pack theory. He is very good at fighting, convinces people with martial arts, and then becomes the respected alpha of everyone.

Brad is a living encyclopedia of radio frequencies and encryption protocols, and can tell you the details of any weapon in the United States or Iraq.

Brad is well-bred because he was born in the middle class. When other people would ridicule and joke about vulgar topics in their free time, Brad would sit in a corner and learn about radio and satellite imagery. He said: If it wasn't because they were in the same army, otherwise he would not interact with them. Ibid. Nate also said that when he was in college, the people he led had always been the type he despised.

They are a special elite unit named first recon in the Marine Corps. They are required to wear black knitted woolen hats in the barracks. The purpose is to distinguish the identity from the ordinary Marines.

The brothers of the first recon would shout "get some" when they saw their brothers passing by them during weight training.

——In the play is the section where S101 Rudy runs with a load.

They rushed to the battlefield. They knew that the attack on Iraq was not for freedom, but for oil ; they also knew that they were thoroughly instrumentalists of the country. Some of them were not patriotic. They hated the flag waving in the wind on their army cars and hated everything about it. The military song of patriotism, they will not think about what the war has brought, what they have taken away, and what they have gained. But what they care more about is that they can get together.

The highest leadership officer (Godfather) of their entire strategy has never participated in a war, but leads a group of the most elite troops that are defined as the most expensive and the most critical output of the war.

Nate's team members are trained mainly on beach assaults. The first team is good at diving, the second team is good at fighting on board, and the third team is mainly engaged in skydiving operations. This situation can be extended to everyone in the first reconnaissance battalion-no one has experience in combat in the desert, no one has ever driven a Hummer. But the military requires all of them to be able to ride a Hummer, gallop on the battlefield, and drive without a license within seven days.

There are Iraqi ambushes in any place. Marines marching late at night need to rely on night vision to protect their lives. However, due to the negligence of the highest supply officer (the supply officer next to the captain), they did not bring enough batteries, so most of them People are blind at night. A blind man who can be killed by an enemy sniper at any time.

Our bomber got the wrong target and killed five or six Marines directly.

——In the play, it seems that E02 was only taken in one stroke

Later, because of severe lack of sleep, some Marines slept next to the Hummer and were crushed to death by tracked vehicles.

Trombley looks unpleasant, but Brad allowed Trombley to stay in his Humvee because he discovered Trombley's special potential-reflected in the bumpy Humvee hitting the little girl at a distance of 200 meters and observing the coordinates of the Russian turret.

Walt is also a 6-foot-2 tall guy. Why is he impressed? Mainly because his character is like a simple country boy in everyone's eyes. So he fired a shot when he was setting up a roadblock. In fact, there was nothing wrong with him, and he himself was hit hard. When he was sluggish, the other team members were very worried and were using their own methods to comfort Walt (the play only seemed to focus on Ray's concern), so it was quite warm.

Poke and Brad are good friends. Brad specially promoted Poke to his assistant captain, so he sat on the second Hummer.

The reporter is the Brad/Ray party

Colbert is the stern father figure. Person is like the mom, the communicator, trying to anticipate his needs, keeping spirits up with his cheerful banter. Garza and Trombley are the children, happily munching candy, eager to please their dad

It means that Brad is a strict father, Ray is a mother, and the remaining Garza and Trombley are two unlucky children

At times, the two of them bicker like an old married couple. Being a rank lower than Colbert, Person can never directly express anger to him, but on occasions when Colbert is too harsh and Person's feelings are hurt, his driving becomes erratic. There are sudden turns, and the brakes are hit for no reason. It will happen even in combat situations, with Colbert suddenly in the role of wooing his driver back with retractions and apologies.

Then in Nate's car, Gunny is mother and Nate is Yan father.

At times, Gunny Wynn almost seems like a worried den mother, whose role is to soften the more aggressive messages Fick gives the men.

Atropine and other small syringes are in everyone's leg bag. Most of the poisonous gas in this war is neurotoxic. Atropine is prepared for use by fallen comrades. But basically after being poisoned, you can only resign yourself to fate. Keeping these syringes is more to strengthen morale...

Is there an explanation in the show why you need to wear diapers? Because there are ambushes everywhere on their marching road, there are often people who are killed when they have physical needs to solve...So...

One particular impression was the way these soldiers expressed their friendship. When the poison gas came on E01 for the first time, when the reporter was stuck in the egg, there was chewing tobacco residue on his mouth. They said that the reporter was stupid and funny, but because of this incident, the reporter was completely ignored. Outsiders repelled, so one of the soldiers wiped off the residue from the reporter's mouth with his sleeve.

----------About the final whereabouts and development of the main character---------

Brad awarded the highest honor badge and was promoted to sergeant, and went to the Royal Marines to exchange for two years.

Ray retired and returned to Kansas City to realize his rock star dream. Then once he drank with Gunny and said that he wanted to return to the army, Gunny told him to shut up and go back to sleep, and continue to be a good civilian the next day.

Nate was promoted to captain (captain~), then retired and went to Harvard to study for an MBA. I found out that Wikipedia actually has Nate's page , and now nate is the CEO of a certain company. Bravo led by Nate in the second row received more rewards than all rows.

Captain America left, but he was promoted...this is the reality.

Doc said that he didn't want to continue serving as a soldier, so he went to the secret special forces.

Trombley passed the exam and became a qualified member of the First Investigation Battalion. He plans to join the Los Angeles Police Department after he is discharged from the army.

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Generation Kill quotes

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddy. War is the motherfucking answer.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [to Person] Careful with the Rip Fuel.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Fuck, man! I'm on thirty hours no sleep! Beat the record I made in high school when I was on the debate team.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Wait a minute, you were on the debate team?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Whats the channel for the 119s?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: [to Colbert] 64 and tad 7.

    [to Wright]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah, I was really really fucking good, but all the other guys on the team thought I was high all of the time.