Black version of "Brothers"-"Generation kill" Generation kill

Owen 2021-12-24 08:02:01

March in Iraq is already very difficult. Sergeant Brad, platoon B, Company B, of the First Reconnaissance Battalion of the US Marine Corps, took a few soldiers on the ground and observed a small village—it seemed that there were only a few children. While playing football, there were women walking around, there were no adult men, and no weapons were seen. The RPG (bazooka) team that threatened them just now may have gone elsewhere early. A reporter from Rolling Stone magazine with the army ran over and said to Brad, “Maybe they are hiding in the woods over there.” Brad said slowly, “Although I am grateful for the tactical advice provided by Rolling Stone, I prefer to believe those. Birds." The reporter asked blankly, "What bird?" A soldier next to him explained: "If there are people in the woods, those birds won't be able to sing." Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of him. The whole village was razed to the ground! Brad hurriedly asked the others: "Did we call for artillery fire?" "No, this is a 1,000-pound bomb fired by F18. We have no radio contact with them." And behind, Corporal Ray, sitting on the wheel of the Hummer He cursed and complained that the explosion ruined the cookies he was preparing to make with rations.
This is the Iraq War, and this is "The Killing Generation". Someone in the

black version of "Brothers"
said: "HBO produced, it must be a boutique." In 2001, HBO's "Brothers" was very popular, surpassing almost all the movies describing wars, and became a classic. This time, HBO brought us the "Generation Killing" set against the background of the Iraq War. Like "Brothers", "Killing Generation" is also derived from real life: Rolling Stone magazine reporter Evan Wright followed the Marines all the way from the Kuwaiti border to Baghdad. After returning home, he wrote a book called "Killing Generation". : Devil Dog, Iceman, Captain America, and New Faces in the American War" (Devil Dog is a code for the Marine Corps). Because of the truthfulness, objectiveness, and in-depthness of this book, it immediately made the bestseller list. HBO adapted the book into a seven-episode miniseries. The series was prepared as early as 2005. Since then, the actors have undergone rigorous military training, and the crew has moved to South Africa, Mozambique, The scene was taken in Namibia and other places, trying to present the most realistic war scenes.
If you still want to see "Brothers" or "Black Hawk Down" in the magnificent and exciting war scenes from "Generation Killing", you may be a little disappointed, but it is closer to the path of "Boiled Head". The focus of this series is not to describe how the two sides should arrange troops and fight wits, but lower the angle and describe the entire Iraq war as a state of life-most war films only describe how soldiers march and fight. However, there is no such thing as eating, drinking and sleeping during the war. In "A Generation Killing", it is much more detailed, including what soldiers eat and how to solve the convenience problem during the war. ), why do you need to prepare for diapers, and even masturbation is involved.
This is a war drama that speaks more than guns. From the first episode, we have discovered that these American soldiers have long lost the sense of responsibility of the soldiers in "Brothers". Before they set off, they were most concerned about whether Jennifer Lopez Gossip news that is hanging up. They don't consider the meaning of war, and are more concerned about whether they can find enough batteries for their company's night vision goggles. Although the Marines are volunteers, the soldiers of the First Reconnaissance Battalion who came to the Iraqi battlefield still have their own minds: some people have to go to jail if they don’t enter the Marines; some people join the army only because they are influenced by the propaganda film. Wearing a military uniform is cool and attracts women more; some people are simpler, just because they can shoot and kill people reasonably and legally...
This is not a united, life-and-death army like "Brothers". There is a saying in this army. Spanish-speaking Mexicans, there are blacks from the bottom, Latins, whites from high society, Jews, and devout Christians. Racial contradictions and class differences are everywhere in this team, and they behave strangely: a Latino soldier said that when I was a little kid, a few blacks came to our neighborhood at a time, and the two sides disliked each other. I saw them drag a seventeen or eighteen-year-old black guy into the shop and stabbed him to death with a screwdriver. From that day on, I decided to mix with the white guy. At least, white people would not just use a screwdriver to stab someone who came to your neighborhood like this-what a simple and straightforward logic, but it feels completely different from the racism we always thought we knew. There is also a black man who preached the theory of white oppression when nothing happened. He felt that behind everything was the white man’s conspiracy to eliminate and assimilate black people, and those white comrades in arms were there listening to his thoughts. It seems to be listening to a myth that has nothing to do with them.

Killing Fields-

HBO's dramas have always been well-known for their exquisite production and detailed details. Whether it is the ancient costume "Rome" or the modern war "Brother Company", the audience feels immersive and can learn a lot from it. "Killing Battlefield" is no exception, from location to clothing, weapons and props, all are lifelike and accurate, and extremely realistic. Take a subtle point: you will find that the camouflage uniforms worn by the officers in the episode are not exactly the same, because the new combat uniforms coexisted with the old ones at the time when the US military was changing. Others like the slang used in the army, various terms of the military, and even the actions and gestures of the soldiers are completely true (one of the characters, Rudy, is played by a real Marine Corps soldier himself). It can be said that this drama is definitely a rare boutique for military fans. Previous film works about the war in Iraq were basically viewed from the outside, but this drama truly described the war in Iraq from the very bottom.
To say that the show is not as full of fierce battle scenes as "Brothers" or "Black Hawk Down" is not to say that the battle part of it is poorly filmed. It’s just that the series looks at the war from the perspective of the Marine Corps reconnaissance battalion, which determines that there is basically no positive description of the war in the play. There is no scene of the US army against the regular Iraqi army. They are all small-scale battles-although with "Brothers" is a company-level battle, but in contrast, the battles of "Brothers" are all-round performances, including large-scale airborne, coordinated battles with tanks, fortified battles, defensive battles, jungle battles, mountain battles... because Its background is the grand European battlefield. The difference in "Killing Generation" is that the original role of the reconnaissance battalion is to indicate the target and detect the enemy's situation, and in modern warfare, there are rarely scenes of bayonet being popular. Watching "Generation Killing", you will have a deeper understanding of modern warfare: after an Iraq war, only a few hundred soldiers were killed in the US army, which still included battlefield accidents. Take a look at this U.S. soldier who thinks it is poorly equipped and under-supply troops: everyone is equipped with body armor, walkie-talkies, night vision equipment, and chemical protection suits. They are always in coordination with other arms and can call gunship helicopters at any time. The navy’s ground attack aircraft or long-range artillery support is fully motorized, fast in action, and flexible in response. It can adapt to a variety of tactical needs. In one episode, this small force lacking heavy weapons even took down an enemy airfield. Although the airport had been abandoned by the Iraqi army at that time, its combat capability could also be seen. There are two battles in the episode that are very enjoyable: one is when the B platoon must forcibly pass through an enemy-controlled town. There are only five Hummer jeeps, a few heavy machine guns and twenty people, but they fight along the way. Sparks shot everywhere, almost smashing the building that used the enemy in the center of the town as a point of fire! It's almost like watching the live battlefield, nervous! Another night battle was even more exciting: Row B was asked to cross a bridge and cross a small city, but was blocked at the head of the bridge by obstacles. The five Hummers huddled together, and at this time the Iceman discovered an enemy sneak attack through the night vision goggles. The U.S. military has the advantage of night vision goggles and the tactical qualities of the Marines have been greatly brought into play. They almost wiped out the opponent and only one of them was seriously injured. Of course, the next day they were fortunate to discover that the enemy was just a volunteer army composed of college students, stragglers—many of them were college students from other Arab countries, a dead Syrian college student, and the reason for entry in his passport was "crisis." pagan". The platoon leader Nate said with emotion: "There is a proverb saying don't touch a dog on fire, but we have already touched it."
For war films, I have a deep feeling: domestically produced war films emphasize a clear sense of justice, and believe that war is a confrontation between the two sides with a clear organization and clear positions. Many war films in the United States have highlighted the irrationality and meaninglessness of war, and highlighted the trampling and change of human nature by war. This is particularly evident in "Generation Killing". Throughout the episode, several senior military officers don’t know what they’re doing: the chief sergeant pays the most attention to military appearance. He places great importance on things like not shaving or wearing uniforms, and yells at soldiers all day; the battalion commander’s "godfather" sees He values ​​honor, is quite talented, and speaks very courageously. However, what he cares most is the performance of his troops in the eyes of the generals. For this reason, he even did not hesitate to let the troops advance and fight against powerful enemies alone, treating war as a war. It is a gamble of personal honor; the company commander of B company is even worse. He is very bad at military command. He mainly follows the advice of his master sergeant. Once, because he suspects that there is an Iraqi RPG group activity in the woods a few hundred meters ahead, he It is necessary to call artillery fire, and the soldiers and platoon leader nate understand that this distance can not call artillery fire at all, they are all in the danger zone! For this reason, he had to resist his orders to raise an objection to the company commander, which almost made him go to a military court later. The company commander insisted on going his own way. He didn't expect that the layman's position he reported to the artillery was completely wrong. A warrior cursed and said: "We were saved by his mistake. It's damn funny." In fact, there are more ridiculous things in the show: the most fun time was when a few people stood guard at night and found that they were far away. There was a large swath of lights that seemed to be driving towards their camp. Some people say that this is an Iraqi tank unit. Everyone becomes nervous. The experienced iceman looks and looks, and tells others that this is the light of a distant city. If you look at it for a long time, you will feel it is facing you. move. However, it was too late to say anything. The stubborn company commander called for artillery support. Immediately, tens of thousands of shells poured over. During the day the next day, they went to check the effectiveness of the blow and found that there was no fart there except sand.
As a TV series produced by the United States on the Iraq War, no matter how anti-war it is, naturally there is still a place to put gold on your face. Although the soldiers in "Killing Generation" do not have the faith and spirit of "Brothers", they still fight for honor. They think that the Marine Corps is the best service, much better than the stupid soldiers of the Army. , There is usually quite a bit of "revolutionary optimism." What they are best at is to ridicule all kinds of people and things-from "damn Haji" (the soldiers' contempt for Arabs) to "stupid officer" to "disgusting rations." This is the generation who grew up playing video games. They can sing Avril's songs and lament that they have not even hit a Haji, but they will also feel uneasy about the bomb destroying a village out of thin air. According to the screenwriter’s words: “We did not compile music for this show, nor did we put any music in the show, because we want the audience to think when they should release what emotions, instead of calling me like other TV shows. when did you cry when touched. we are not Republicans or Democrats mentality to shoot the show, our starting point is neutral and does not favor any party. "

standard equipment
a war in Iraq to the number of American soldiers equipped with? Take a look at the schematic diagram of the iceman's equipment in the following episode. In total, his equipment (excluding the weight of clothes, boots, magazines, etc.) is 12 kg according to the minimum standard!
Kevlar helmet-Kevlar is a strong and lightweight synthetic fiber. The Marine Corps helmet is made of this fiber. The helmet weighs between 3.1 and 4.2 pounds.
Bulletproof vest-the standard equipment of the US military, but on the battlefield, the main function of bulletproof vest is not to resist the direct hit of bullets-this is basically impossible. Even if it can prevent the penetration of bullets, its kinetic energy will be hit. The life of the middle man-but to reduce the indirect damage caused by shrapnel, explosives, etc. It weighs between 7.5 and 11 pounds, depending on the size.
The Marine Corps combat uniform-referred to as MCCUU, is also worn by the U.S. Navy medical soldiers and naval chaplains. MCCUU has two colors: jungle color and desert color. In the drama, the first reconnaissance battalion first received jungle-colored combat uniforms. No wonder the soldiers are scolding their mothers.
M4 carbine-a member of the M16 gun family. The M16A2 is currently the most commonly used weapon in the US military, and this M4 has an 80% component commonality rate. The M4 weighs 5.9 pounds and has an effective shooting distance of about 500 to 600 meters. It can also be equipped with an M203 grenade launcher and weighs 3 pounds. In the drama, the iceman with the M4 sits on the first Hummer. His gun is also equipped with a PAS-13B thermal sight. It weighs 5.5 pounds and has an effective observation distance of 2.8 kilometers for personnel. For vehicles, it can be found 6.9 kilometers away.
Leg pockets-each of the left and right legs, connected by a belt, can hold magazines, water bottles and other items.

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Generation Kill quotes

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddy. War is the motherfucking answer.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [to Person] Careful with the Rip Fuel.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Fuck, man! I'm on thirty hours no sleep! Beat the record I made in high school when I was on the debate team.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Wait a minute, you were on the debate team?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Whats the channel for the 119s?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: [to Colbert] 64 and tad 7.

    [to Wright]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah, I was really really fucking good, but all the other guys on the team thought I was high all of the time.