I think this is one of the best comedies in history

Afton 2021-12-25 08:01:03

I like the humor of the French very much, and the French have always been very good at creating very wonderful humor. I believe everyone has seen "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth".
Similarly, this film can also be said to be one of the best comedies in history. At the same time, I think this film should be a kind of "advanced comedy." The so-called "advanced comedy" is the kind of film that requires knowledge and good thinking people to see it and laugh.
For example, the name of the person in the film is very interesting. The architect's name is Edifis, and this is the English of "Mansion", and his assistant is called Otis, which is Otis. Everyone should know this, it is Otti. Sri Lanka invented the world’s first elevator, and in this movie, Otis also built an "elevator" in the built palace, and when the door was opened and closed, the door was started and stopped. There was a black man who knocked out with a triangle iron and now The elevator made a "ding" sound. And when the Roman officer said that "the counterattack of the empire is about to begin", his helmet looks exactly like the black warrior in Star Wars from the back, and at the same time, the music played by the black warrior in Star Wars, his sentence The lines also make people think of the Empire Strikes Back.
There is also a party at the end of the film, which is actually the same as the high-end party we often see in movies. There is a gatekeeper at the door. You must check the list to let you in. The inevitable Caesar was stopped and refused to enter. Entangled for a long time.
There is also the Roman centurion, the officer always calls his name wrong, he said his name is Antivirus, antivirus, haha.
I found that the people in this film are called s or x, which has a lot of comic effect in pronunciation.
And at the end, the joke that Edifis told a girl that someone said that he was called Pharao, because he was from Phara and his name was O, so he was called Pharao. I didn’t understand it at first, but later I realized that Pharao is a pharaoh. Meaning, think about it if you are an Egyptian and meet someone who tells you that he is a pharaoh. So this joke should be very interesting in that context, but the most funny thing is that Edifis actually told this joke for a whole night, and she couldn't laugh at all, but the girl who listened to him told the joke did not reflect at all.
The other mustache man, forgot what his name was. When he went to deliver the letter to Cleopatra, he couldn't run, so he grabbed a carriage and turned a mirror on the car across, just like the rearview mirror of a car. When I saw it for the first time, I thought it was very funny. Later, when I saw Zhou Xingchi's "Kung Fu", I didn't feel so fresh when I used the knife on my shoulder as a rear-view mirror.
And when the big Zhuang rushed to the Roman soldiers, the narrator suddenly said that because the scene below was too violent, I thought it was better to play a documentary, and then the scene was suddenly cut into a documentary about shrimp in the sea.
There is also the scene where the big guy kicks a stone ball. The stone ball flies between the two pillars, just like a football game. Then the stone ball flies too far and hits the hapless pirate ship, and then that scene is A scene in a famous painting, but I have forgotten the name of that painting.
When Edifis fought the bad guy, Mandarin and Cantonese appeared.
Of course, this is a French film, and at the same time it is about Egypt, Rome and Gauls, but for us ordinary Chinese, if you have enough knowledge and careful observation, you can still see a lot of funny Of the place. I also admire the imagination of the French in making jokes. They often come up with unexpected things.
In addition to being funny, this film is also very good in other aspects. For example, the scene of the catapult smashing the palace in Rome is very spectacular, and the scenery is also very beautiful, and the beginning of the film introduces the Nile River and the bad guy in the middle riding to obstruct the transportation of stones. , The position of the camera is very beautiful.
Later, I watched a movie "RRRrrrr" and found that this Alan Sheba liked to put modern things into the ancient set. In "RRRrrrr", it was the first murder case in the history when it was still in primitive times. , And the cause of the murder was actually 4 people playing a "biaoche" and "crashing" a dog. Later, a primitive man dreamed of being chased and killed. He ran through the reeds and ran into a Carrefour. The shopping guide in Carrefour also seriously introduced him to a washing machine.

Let's take a look at the domestic comedy, "Crazy Stone". It is too low-level. You can think of every joke in advance. There is no surprise, admiration and imaginative part. In this regard, the Chinese are too far behind the French.

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