Life choices

Jalyn 2022-04-24 06:01:01

There are choices in human life.

You can choose to live in the present, respect money, and honor your status; you can also choose to live in the field, abandon all the shackles of the soul, and think about the meaning of life; of course, you can also live carefully in the present and be a principled People who live in an earthly way and look at problems with a scale.

There is nothing wrong with these three ways of living, and people have the right to choose their own ways of living. If you hate money worship, you don't need to worship money; you hate money-powered society, you can keep your distance from it as much as possible; you can also live as little as possible and think about other meanings of life. What is really scary is that those who try to control others under the guise of various lives not only insult the self-determination of life and independent choice of the future, but also make many people trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves. MLM is like this, so is evil political party.

The simple fact is that if you cannot find rationality in an environment, but can only hear all kinds of brainwashing preaching and one-on-one guards, then you can be sure that either you are controlled by an MLM organization, or You are in a cult. Because a normal organization will not force you to accept anything, nor will it be afraid that you will send someone to watch your tips, let alone promote thriftiness, eat only one meal a day, and eat yourself. At the same time, I will take you outside to steal and kill, and afterwards I will tell you a bunch of incoherent lunatic styles such as "Death is a beautiful emotion, and the emotion is Nirvana in the end. Nirvana is the supreme love, so death is love." The logic of the mission is broken, let alone telling you to call your home to make some money, or tell them that you made a lot of money outside, and then trick them into doing the same thing as you. As a matter of fact, people who are still ignorant after being deceived, have defects of will and lack of independent thinking ability, especially those who in turn help the abuser, are typical "Stockholm syndrome" patients, and they are not worth it at all. pitful. Only those who still have the right and wrong ideas in their minds will feel uncomfortable with the various environments in the group, will leave, and will wake up.

The brainwashing influence is quite long, and a leader is also indispensable in it. After brainwashing reaches a certain height, you will think that he is "a wise man like the sea", and you will also think that he is a "red sun" or a "savior". He swaggered out of the encirclement, so that after 30 to 40 years, people are still not sure whether he can be criticized completely; there are all kinds of "democratic standard bearers" and "common knowledge" in modern times. It seems that the world can't play without him. Democracy fell back to the Cultural Revolution and so on. On the one hand, due to traditional influences, people are relatively lazy and not so independent. They always hope that "blue sky" and "Mingjun" characters will take them away, with people playing flags at the front and running behind them so that they don’t have to think for themselves; on the other hand, Brainwashing techniques summarized by religions for thousands of years have been widely adopted by various organizations, and have also played a certain role in lowering the bottom line of IQ. People are always calling for democracy, but few people are willing to change their way of life to find true democracy; people have great dissatisfaction with the ruling party, but they shrank into a ball after being hit, expecting a few stunned youths to take the lead and come up with it. It’s good for the enjoyment, and it’s bad for someone to take care of it. What’s particularly resonant is that when something goes wrong, she just like Martha in the film, she held up the red book, sang a red song, and used her heart. It's ironic that what I fear to defend myself.

So the current situation is that brainwashing organizations of all colors and sizes have all kinds of victims, but the same symptom is that they have been persecuted for a long time and can no longer think of resistance, and can only shrink in the corner, just like a circus. The regiment was trained like a poor animal, riding a bicycle, riding around a designated circle while looking at the owner, for fear that it would come down after a bend with the wrong whip. So we can often see all kinds of inconsistencies: Xinhua News Agency’s news has been blocked on Sina Weibo, and the book you wrote has several paragraphs that touch on current politically sensitive issues, and the publisher’s editor will tell you to change it; friends; When eating a few political jokes, you still have to look left and right; as the saying goes, if you are sold, you still have to help count the money, that's all.

In fact, in many cases, this bottom line is in our hands. You have to get out of this gloom, put aside the nonsense that others told you when they were brainwashed, "You are a mentor, you are a leader", and put down the benefits that are gained from harming others, so that you can truly get from the "Stockholm syndrome". When you step out, you can feel that the bottom line is in your hands, and then you can forget the man sitting on the opposite bank of the river and the car behind you, and you can really live according to your own ideas.

It is very unwise to place one's own destiny on others. You have the right to trust, and you must also have the ability to withdraw; you can allow the existence of a strong government, but the constitution should also give you the ability to fight with a fire stick. As long as you can think freely and choose freely, and don’t hurt others’ free thought and choice because of this thinking and choice, don’t go to jail because of this kind of thinking and choice, don’t be guilty of words, and live magnanimously. And happy, then, congratulations, you are already in a free country.

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Martha Marcy May Marlene quotes

  • Lucy: Why would you think it's okay to come in here like that?

    Martha: I don't know. It's a big bed. You guys were on the other side.

    Lucy: You can't come into our room when we're having sex. That's not normal. It's private.

    Martha: Sorry.

    Lucy: You don't need to apologize. Just - I need you to understand why it's not okay.

    Martha: Okay.

    Lucy: Do you?

    Martha: Yeah.

    Lucy: Well?

    Martha: Because it's private and not normal.

    Lucy: Oh, God.

  • Martha: [to Lucy] Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we need to talk about everything that comes into your head!