Annie and Irene

Antwan 2022-10-05 00:11:14

I really like the role of Annie. In my opinion, she is somewhere between mature and immature. She would care that only a girl in a wheelchair would attend the party, and she would be sad because she felt that she was not the perfect child in her mother’s heart. , And thoughts of suicide due to the pranks of people she likes. These behaviors are things that a 14-year-old girl would do. What surprised me is that her orientation has been set since the beginning of the film, perhaps because The person she likes is a girl. Annie will face it bravely when others laugh at her as being gay. She likes her courage. Even if she feels sad in private, she must be strong on the surface. As for the other protagonist, Irene, who didn’t have any special senses at first, she will gradually realize that she is cute. She will lose her temper because of a small matter, and then will regret it again. Maybe some people don’t understand her. After making a prank on Annie, I regret it and want to apologize. When I find that I like girls, I feel very entangled. Ah, I might just be confused for a while. I like boys. I like the ending very much. In the toilet, Irene struggles with whether to go out or not, or what to say when going out, and then she can courage to face it. In reality, many people often dare not face their feelings. Of course, there are also some deficiencies. I still can’t understand why Irene fell in love with Annie. Sometimes it’s always a moment to like someone, but at this moment there must be certain things as a basis. It’s because of Annie. Can she support her when she speaks out her crazy ideas? I feel that it can be handled more delicately here, but the tangled process of Irene can actually be more delicate, and the feelings of girls tend to be more delicate. 3.5~

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  • Elin: I use two grams of milk and five thousand kilograms of chocolate and it's always nearly black and then... then I usually pour in more milk but then the glass isn't big enough. Then I have to pour it into a bigger glass, or another glass, if there isn't a big one. It makes a lot of chocolate milk... but that doesn't matter.

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