Why not

Eveline 2022-09-29 17:41:48

Classmate love
1. Wish list 2. Anger is a vegetarian 3. Irene is eager to break the boring life 4. At the same time being liked by boys and girls 5. I think very cool 6. Red and black 7. Kiss, on the lips Dipped in lipstick 8. Another party messy 9. Red is a touch of blood 10. Straight and curly hair, brown hair and blond 11. The goddess is so cute 12. In normal words and deeds, Anger is more restrained than Irene, but in love On the contrary 13. Attract each other. Irene's spring dream. Hair tied, smile, ears and temples, red nail polish and anklet feet 14. Mother did not know Ange, she received more education from her father, so even the dress was neutral. 15. Only Victoria, who was paralysed with both legs, defended Ange, a metaphor for weak protection. 16. Qiuhan got Irene's body and Ange got his heart. 17. It was not happy with Qiuhan and the others. He had no opinion and was not firm. 18. "You really He’s a very good person, but I... fell in love with others" (to confirm the teacher’s sentence that you fall in love with a girl, you will no longer be interested in boys) 19. Accompanied by rock music, Irene finally Face up to his love. Do you miss me in the same night? 20. Throwing stones for the second time smashed the window, a metaphor that the door of the heart was smashed open 21. "If you play me again, I will kill you" "Are you really...falling in love with me, because, if you are) ...Then I am also in love with... I am in love with you." 22. The confession that has just spoken will have to be tested. This is a difficult door to open. "What should we do?" "Of course it is to go out" to face everyone 23. Yilin opened the door with a proud and great expression on her face, "My New Girlfriend"

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Show Me Love quotes

  • Elin: I use two grams of milk and five thousand kilograms of chocolate and it's always nearly black and then... then I usually pour in more milk but then the glass isn't big enough. Then I have to pour it into a bigger glass, or another glass, if there isn't a big one. It makes a lot of chocolate milk... but that doesn't matter.

  • Elin: I wanna do drugs!

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