Kevin Smith became the new CULT master-"Long Tooth"

Daniella 2022-09-19 12:31:52

I believe that "Tang Tooth" will be a CULT movie that will be mentioned repeatedly for many years. It is creative, crazy, and special. So I said, Kevin Smith successfully transformed into a cult master.
Ever since Kevin got out of the talk comedy, he has been in constant exploration. I tried the genre film "Partner Detective", and it is estimated that cooperating with a difficult star like Bruce Willis will be hampered everywhere. In the end, the film did not end tepidly and hastily, leaving no more impression on the audience.
Kevin made another kind of "Red State", which is actually a thriller in the genre, or a cult theme. I've seen it, and I think it's pretty good, it's clean and tidy, without the slightest sense of procrastination. It's hard to imagine that it was taken by Kevin's heavy talk. Melissa Rio's acting skills are amazing, and the ending is unexpected. But it does not seem to have attracted much attention.
In 2014, Kevin's new film "Long Fang" was released, which coincided with the 20th anniversary of the release of "Crazy Clerk". Although many people miss his early talk movies, Kevin seems to be completely tired of the "Silent Bob" set. That set of melodrama-like films can only represent the warm memories of the 90s, and the times have changed. The "white scumbag" set has long been outdated, just like backstreet boys, who would want to listen to it again What about "get down" again?
Constant change and innovation are really good things. Don’t be like Zhang Yimou and Wu Yusen, who can’t film without a big breast or a little white pigeon. Kevin is a fan director. There are many parody of classic movies in "Crazy Clerk". He doesn't want to be a commercial director, he just wants to shoot what he wants to express. Although Kevin’s current work may disappoint fans of the "Crazy Shop Assistant" series, I still like his ambition to move closer to cult movies.
In fact, the movie "Long Tooth" is very simple-just an idea, adding more branches and leaves, adding oil and vinegar, it has become a heavy-tasting cult and cruel movie. In fact, the early Hollywood "Freak Man" was also the idea, and later "The Elephant Man" and "Human Centipede" were all representational interpretations of human and animal nature. Kevin didn't overplay the horror, but started the plot with his iconic words. The psychological thrilling atmosphere created makes people feel creep, chilly and sick.
What's rare is that Kevin became calm and didn't sprinkle too much blood. Not as impetuous as before. Despite this, "Long Fang" is still a niche taste, and it is difficult to be elegant. Maybe Kevin is downplaying the fame and fortune of awards and box office. He just wants to take the independent film path and shoot some alternative films, and draw a striking graffiti on this seemingly lively but actually boring movie circle! He did it!
I am a director who loves true temperament more and more, such as Kevin, and despise it more and more as an artisan who is enslaved by the box office. I am super looking forward to "Yoga Girl Douluo", which may be the next CULT cult.

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Tusk quotes

  • Guy Lapointe: The boys on the force nicknamed this killer "The First Wife,"because the first wife doesn't let you talk, she doesn't let you go anywhere, and she does not fuck you.

    [no reaction from Ally and Teddy]

    Guy Lapointe: See it's... And she don't fuck you.

    [no reaction]

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  • Guy Lapointe: [revealing prior writing on a notepad by shading over it with a pencil] You see that?

    Ally Leon: Wow... That's amazing.

    Teddy Craft: They did it in The Big Lebowski.

    Guy Lapointe: Do you know, that's exactly where I learned it from. Isn't that weird?