Maybe it's because I can't bear it in my heart, but I really can't stand such a movie...

Malvina 2022-10-07 18:23:18

At first I watched it a little bit, and then I quickly went forward to watch it, just want to see the old perverted ending. Maybe it's because I am not a professional film critic, or my heart is not able to bear it enough, but this movie that made me fast forward to the end really made me sick for a while. I came to write a film review after watching the movie. I really don’t understand why some people want to make this type of movie, a movie that dehumanizes humanity, directors, screenwriters, and actors. I really don’t know what they think. After watching it, I feel that uncomfortable and I always feel sick. I want to vomit. Maybe the original author of the film is seriously deformed and perverted. I really want to go up and beat him up. In short, if you feel that your heart is strong enough, you can watch it. Anyway, I suggest you never watch it. Finally, I still want to say something to the original work, screenwriter, director, and actors of this film, my cnm! ! ! !

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Tusk quotes

  • Guy Lapointe: The boys on the force nicknamed this killer "The First Wife,"because the first wife doesn't let you talk, she doesn't let you go anywhere, and she does not fuck you.

    [no reaction from Ally and Teddy]

    Guy Lapointe: See it's... And she don't fuck you.

    [no reaction]

    Guy Lapointe: It's... It's funnier if you've been married a few times.

  • Guy Lapointe: [revealing prior writing on a notepad by shading over it with a pencil] You see that?

    Ally Leon: Wow... That's amazing.

    Teddy Craft: They did it in The Big Lebowski.

    Guy Lapointe: Do you know, that's exactly where I learned it from. Isn't that weird?