Fortunately, the heroine is pretty

Arden 2022-08-01 21:51:51

At first sight, the shape of the walrus is really psychological and physical, and it feels unspeakable, terrifying, and feels the male protagonist is so miserable. Some people are afraid of spiders, reptiles, zombies, zombies, etc. Yes, I always thought that I was not afraid of anything. Now I realized that I was afraid that the smooth skin was covered with sutures, the feeling of vomiting but unable to vomit, but I couldn’t help but keep watching. Good actor It’s miserable, I feel like I’m definitely going to have a nightmare, but it’s okay to see the heroine, she looks too beautiful, a young lady who grows in my aesthetics

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Extended Reading

Tusk quotes

  • Guy Lapointe: The boys on the force nicknamed this killer "The First Wife,"because the first wife doesn't let you talk, she doesn't let you go anywhere, and she does not fuck you.

    [no reaction from Ally and Teddy]

    Guy Lapointe: See it's... And she don't fuck you.

    [no reaction]

    Guy Lapointe: It's... It's funnier if you've been married a few times.

  • Guy Lapointe: [revealing prior writing on a notepad by shading over it with a pencil] You see that?

    Ally Leon: Wow... That's amazing.

    Teddy Craft: They did it in The Big Lebowski.

    Guy Lapointe: Do you know, that's exactly where I learned it from. Isn't that weird?