It's not scary to be alive, the scary thing is why you are alive

Jermaine 2022-09-18 14:16:02

A loophole in the aliens was ignored by the authorities. After being shocked, his body was dragged away. There are two possibilities that the first alien did not want to keep the remains in place to increase people's guilt. This is not necessary. Because what the authorities thought the killing had already begun. Second, these people were just stunned and breathing, but they just didn't want to be discovered by the authorities. But no matter what kind of possibility the authorities think the fallen person is dead. It is enough that the authorities continue to kill each other. The highlight of the show is that there is a person who hasn't voted. I analyze the four hypotheses of his existence. The first one is indeed after several rounds of voting as the pregnant woman and the little girl said, but he is tired. I just wanted to die. I think it’s wrong here. If you’re tired, why don’t you sacrifice it early? Have to wait till the end? If it is to protect pregnant women and little girls. Only left until the end. Then why does he believe the guy in black? He has gone through so many tests, can't he see the guy's tricks? Can you keep the guy till the end? So the first assumption is wrong. The second person who did not vote was deaf and could not speak, so he could not judge the situation and express his will. But the little girl interacted with him in the end, so the second hypothesis excluding the third person really sees through human nature. See through the essence of the game. And I don’t want to vote and express my disgust. Others ignored him. Finally sacrificed for the little girl and pregnant woman. The third hypothesis is possible. The fourth person did participate in many rounds of voting but he would not die no matter what the result was. Still going back to the new round, he was tired of it. I just watched the play on the sidelines and has no feeling for the game anymore. No one will die. So he makes no choice. Because grief is greater than death. His heart is dead. The fourth hypothesis has the greatest probability. This game allows all participants to see the brilliance and darkness of human beings. It is also the aliens who want humans to see themselves clearly. Finally, aliens will take over for humans to create a better world. The same as described in the three-body novel There are some people who are saved by the Trisolarium with the hope of giving up hope for mankind. So I feel this film. It is the aliens who use this game to plant dark and hateful seeds for mankind. Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is why you die. Being alive is not terrible. What's more terrifying is why you are alive.

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Circle quotes

  • The One-Armed Man: [after the atheist is spared] Looks like God just cut you a break.

    The One-Armed Man: Yeah, for another two fucking minutes.

    The Atheist: Guys, i know this girl. Don't I know you? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know you from somewhere.

    Pretty Girl: Me?

    The Atheist: Yeah. Are you an actress? You're so familiar.

    Pretty Girl: No, I'm not an actress.

    The Atheist: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stacy something.

    Pretty Girl: No, Christina.

    The Atheist: Christina... Christina?

    Pretty Girl: Yeah.

    The Atheist: Wait a minute. Is Stacy your stage name, then?

    Pretty Girl: No, I told you, I'm not an actress.

    The Atheist: That's right. Guys, actress, porn star. I get it now. It's a huge difference.

    Pretty Girl: What? I'm not a porn star.

    The Atheist: Hey, I don't think anybody cares around... around here, you know? I mean, I just couldn't figure it out before. Now I know.

    Pretty Girl: What?

    The Atheist: [exhales] I'm a huge fan.

    Pretty Girl: What the fuck are you doing? I don't do porn.

    The Atheist: I don't think it's a problem. Everybody's gotta make a living. I don't have a problem with it.

    Pretty Girl: I don't do porn.

    The Atheist: All right, whatever. I'm just trying to pay her a compliment.

    Pretty Girl: He's lying.

    The Atheist: I gotta be honest with you, you know, I mean, I did like you better, though, before your enhancements, because now it's just like, "Wha-bam! Look at these bad boys."

    Pretty Girl: He's lying.

    The Atheist: Are they real?

    Pretty Girl: That is none of your fucking business.

    The Atheist: Are you saying they're real?

    Pretty Girl: So what? Half the girls in LA have big boobs.

    The Atheist: Yeah, and I'm sure it's great for business.

    Pretty Girl: I don't do porn!

    The Atheist: Who paid for them? Tell them, go ahead. It's okay, sweetheart. Who paid for them? Was it your employer?

    Pretty Girl: No.

    The Atheist: No?

    Pretty Girl: I mean he did. But it's not like that.

    The Atheist: He did. Now it's getting really difficult to decide.

    Pretty Girl: No, David is my boss, but we're also... I am not...

    The Atheist: Uh-huh. You see, Stacy over here thought if he gets those double D's, oh David's gonna love her. I mean, he's going to love her way more than his own wife and kids. I mean, who cares if they're already a family. It's never stopped you before, has it? What, are you going to run off with him? You gonna have a bunch of kids on your own? Settle down by the beach? Is that what you're gonna do, Stacy?

    [Christina starts crying; the atheist gets voted offscreen]

  • The Bearded Man: [after the African American man was eliminated] Of course. True love conquers all.

    The Soldier: You're out of options, my friend.

    The Bearded Man: Yeah? Well, you all just killed yourselves. Congratulations.

    [Pointing to the soldier, Cancer survivor and Silent Man]

    The Bearded Man: You, you, you. You all did this.

    [to the husband]

    The Bearded Man: and you.. you just killed your wife. I hope you're happy.

    The Husband: I did what I had to do.

    The Bearded Man: Yeah, well, now she's gonna die because of you. At least my way gave her a chance.

    The Soldier: Just shut the fuck up, man.

    The Husband: Yeah, man, just drop it.

    The Bearded Man: They're probably not even married.

    The Husband: What?

    The Bearded Man: I mean, think about it. What are the odds of them being the only married couple in here?

    The Cancer Survivor: Those other two knew each other.

    The Bearded Man: So they said.

    The Soldier: That's not gonna work, dude.

    The Bearded Man: So you're saying that they're married and that they just happen to be placed right next to each other? Uh-uh. Think about it, people. Isn't it possible that they just made this whole thing up?

    The Soldier: No.

    Pretty Girl: Why would they lie?

    The Bearded Man: To survive. Nobody wants to kill someone's wife or husband. Especially right in front of each other. They just made this whole thing up to get our sympathy.

    The Husband: You're crazy.

    The Bearded Man: Am I? How long have you been married?

    The Husband: Five years.

    The Bearded Man: What's his parents names?

    Wife: Erm... Mark and Lisa.

    The Bearded Man: Where'd she go to college?

    The Husband: UCLA.

    Pretty Girl: When's his birthday?

    Wife: Er.. April.

    The Bearded Man: April...

    Wife: 9th. April 9th.

    The Lesbian: What's his name?

    Wife: What?

    Wife: What is your husband's name?

    The Cancer Survivor: He already said his name?

    The Bearded Man: That's right he did.

    Pretty Girl: When?

    The Bearded Man: The first time he spoke. He said his name.

    The Husband: Just drop it man, ok?

    The Bearded Man: What's his name?

    Pretty Girl: She doesn't know.

    The Bearded Man: Of course she doesn't.

    The Husband: Yes of course she does she's just not gonna play you're fucking game.

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