Thoughts beyond Nikita

Eleanora 2021-12-26 08:01:15

Choosing to watch this American drama, first of all, I went to the heroine Maggie Q. After all, when she was developing in Hong Kong, I liked it, a face that combines Eastern and Western characteristics, neat and handsome kung fu background, and Wu Yanzu. Once scandal. It should be said that Maggie Q has filled the gap in the American TV series Dongfang Jiaowa, and she may break into the world because of this.
However, what I want to comment on is the background of the TV itself, the Division. It coincides with the sudden death of the founder of WikiLeaks in a London prison. Of course, this is inseparable from the FBI and the VI. I've seen a TV series describing CIA VI. Whatever the agents do is related to the lofty national interests, such as anti-terrorism and arresting global wanted criminals, agents can do anything, as long as they can achieve their goals.
Is there such a secret organization in the world? Of course there is! When the FBI, the CIA, Mossad, and Kokbo became the shining spy signs, there were a large number of spy organizations in the dark. Some of the dirty work that the government can't come forward, let these organizations do it. It is actually the most transparent and democratic government agency that protects the crime.
When evil accumulates to a certain extent, and when a certain careerist takes control of these dark forces, it is inevitable that the organization will degenerate into an'organization'. This degenerate organization, in turn, joined forces with evil forces to influence government decision-making, creating a vicious circle that is difficult to break. In the end, most of the victims were ordinary people.
This truth exists in the organization in the dark, and it also exists in the government in the light. It seems that no country can get rid of it, because politics itself is a mixture of evil and blood and tears.
Nikita is a symbol, representing heroism and humanitarianism, as well as reflection and resistance. But what if Nikita destroys division. The curse will never be eliminated, and countless divisions will emerge from the ground.

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