"THX-1138"-a world without windows

Elda 2021-12-21 08:01:15

Before watching this movie, I didn't realize that it was an old movie made 40 years ago, but the dreamy plot made me believe that it might be telling the future. This is an escape story. The scene is a little weird, coupled with the jumping narrative method, coupled with the main black and white tones, makes me feel that the whole story seems to be a dream, which I made as an audience. Dream.
These plots gave me the feeling that I had dreamed: a world without windows, but somehow came out after being imprisoned, seeing so many people around, all strangers, having a companion, and then separated and being hunted down. But I was able to escape. I saw a lot of orangutans in the bridge hole. The orangutans were calling, and the echo echoed in the bridge hole. . . All this is very similar to part of my impression of the childhood environment.

There are probably two themes in human life, one is escape and the other is evolution. There are two forces in an environment, one is the power to adapt and depend on the environment, and the other is the power to escape from the environment. Until one day we realize the absurdity in the environment, and the world begins to collapse a little bit, we begin to flee. Until we leave, we can see clearly, and we can only evolve. We live in all kinds of illusions, but we are bound to meet someone who enlightens us. This person may be a prophet, or a strange person, who initiated the evolution.
Back to this story, everything is so orderly, orderly supervision, orderly assembly line, orderly legal logic, orderly belief and repentance. Everyone enjoys this sort of orderly and predictable little achievement in this blind, arranged world. However, all this order may be just a program, or it may be just a chaotic and disordered dream we have made. . . . . .

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THX 1138 quotes

  • Male voice: T-H-X eleven-thirty-eight will be taken into custody at a minimal monetary expenditure. Total operation cost: six thousand credits under budget. Congratulations. Be efficient, be happy.

  • SEN 5241: You know, when I was at school, it was all very different. We used to stay in bed all the time. Combined primary economics... Combined primary economics was a bottle about this big.

    [holds hands two feet apart]

    SEN 5241: Took a week.

    Child: Wow!