"Five Hundred Years Later"-Totalitarianism is the best green leaf of the flower of freedom

Briana 2021-12-21 08:01:15

This should be the first time I have watched George Lucas’s film seriously. Although the movie channel has shown "Indiana Jones" many times, I can always see "Star Wars" when I rent a disc when I was young, but nothing As a young, I hate science fiction and adventure themes. After all, as a child who can’t beat older children, I can only resist when I watch a show I don’t want to watch. I hate this movie as much as I can. How annoying it is. So growth is really interesting, and now I can only regret that my failure to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry has led to not being able to enter the core world of science fiction at all.

The prototype of this film is "THX-1138", a short film made by Lucas when he first emerged, describing the story of the great escape of individuals under totalitarianism. All the characters in the film have no names, and are replaced by code names that combine letters and numbers. The inspiration should come from the dystopian trilogy "We", and the two male protagonists were inspired by women to discover the unusual determination of the totalitarian world to resist. It's just that the idea of ​​the film is more optimistic, and the book completely cuts off the future.

The slow pace is really a headache for me. Trying to convince the audience of the authenticity of the world and repeating a lot of tedious details, it highlights the weakness of the plot. The limitations of the times and funding make all the electronic props of the film unable to show. In the future industrialization, on the contrary, the "dirty, messy, and poor" scenes caused by unqualified urban management will be more serious. The most desirable soundtrack at the beginning is very atmospheric, and at the end it uses a sinking sunset to highlight the feelings and fears of the characters. The beginning and the end finally add a lot of bright colors to the film.

What makes me more concerned is that the male protagonist was attacked by many apes when he fled. I have made the following guesses about the reasons for the formation of these humans: 1. Without the consent of the organization, regardless of whether the chemical composition of each other's body is qualified or not, the forcible mating is born. The child of, who was strayed here, has been living for a long time in primitive life plus inbreeding and slowly degenerates into ape-like people; 2. The product of pure mating failure or artificial insemination is thrown here to fend for themselves, and can become a barrier for the authorities A natural barrier for escapers; 3. Human civilization has appeared several times and destroyed several times. The totalitarian society in the movie is already in the process of self-destruction, and the newly emerging apes that are evolving can slowly replace them. This is why humans always Some of the whimsical ideas that promote social progress, because some memories that shouldn't exist have already been engraved in the memories of their ancestors and inherited with genes.

In the totalitarian stories I have seen, sexual desire is always the first sign that people have the courage to resist and start thinking. People are attracted to each other and have a secret for the first time. The feeling of hiding this secret in their hearts is no less than the tension and ecstasy in Eve's heart when she stretches her hand to the apple on the tree. Whether it is the instinct of reproduction or the desire of the soul, the need for a partner prompts them to start the struggle for freedom. In the final analysis, it is for the purpose of free sex with the one they love and can't stop vomiting. When sexual desire sprouted, a series of selective issues such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. followed one after another, and the requirements for privacy became higher and higher, and it is so difficult to create a pure land in the world that belongs to you alone. Many people choose to find an economic cooperative body to share a certain residence.

Although the totalitarian world looks terrible, people live and die for work uniformly, extremely mechanized entertainment helps people get rid of possible ideological diseases, and lacks all the knowledge of the spiritual world of enlightenment. Although the film does not mention it, it must be a totalitarian regime. Control the right to speak in the past and the right to interpret the status quo. The setting of prayer in "Future World" is very good, people pray in front of a portrait (this portrait should be inspired by the ubiquitous Big Brother in "1984"), and the listener and the responder are just a frame With a repeater that can be played repeatedly, confusion and troubles are admitted and disliked like garbage. The ruled tries to comfort themselves in this way and has been comforted, and the horror of spiritual standardization can be seen. However, this terrible phenomenon does not seem to be very different from the current society. Like them, it is difficult for us to escape all kinds of surveillance in this world. Even if we can get rid of it, how many people can live out the protagonist of "Survival in the Wild" That kind of self. Born to be free, but to live in pursuit of prison, is this life?

The totalitarian world in the film is a huge mechanical city living underground. There are not many background explanations and the chaotic layout of the underground city, which makes it difficult to understand in many places. A large number of materialization or the actions of characters are more like a stream of consciousness. The prison and after walking out of the prison are busy and crowded people walking. The most important setting is to measure the survival or hunting value of human beings completely with data. The male protagonist caused a big mess in the system because of unqualified commands, and finally gained freedom because of this. This is also the machine cannot replace the human brain. Symbol of beauty.

Finally, the hero's escape to the ground reminds me of the scene where the last protagonist was exiled to Tokyo in Japan's "Escape from the Devil's Cave". The outside world is as absurd and dangerous as the inside. As a prisoner, only escape is the ultimate fate.

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THX 1138 quotes

  • Male voice: T-H-X eleven-thirty-eight will be taken into custody at a minimal monetary expenditure. Total operation cost: six thousand credits under budget. Congratulations. Be efficient, be happy.

  • SEN 5241: You know, when I was at school, it was all very different. We used to stay in bed all the time. Combined primary economics... Combined primary economics was a bottle about this big.

    [holds hands two feet apart]

    SEN 5241: Took a week.

    Child: Wow!