A simple world

Cade 2021-12-21 08:01:15

Forgive my clumsy pen, because no one really rated this fairly good movie, I really decided to recommend it. And I never wrote anything like this.
It was produced very early, but there are no technical flaws in the film or the feeling of "this is shooting".
In a future underground world, we cannot know the causes and consequences, but this world has it. The movie started with a lot of switched shots: it was all the angle of view of the monitor, which made people not know what to say. But this world is like this: drug control, complete surveillance. The technology in the room can be cold, without any decoration, only instruments, chairs, and medicine cabinets. The members have a lot of work, collective action, all shaved heads. The requirement of society is that two people live in a house and become roommates. The film uses one of the men as the main narrative object. His first appearance is really not good-looking. It seems that the illness tortured by life is very serious. Maybe it is because of the roommate. A certain feeling. He had a relationship with his roommate, and the whole process was watched by the members of the base under the action of a monitor, so the male protagonist was convicted of rape and imprisoned (it seems to have happened twice). The place of imprisonment is an endless white space, subject to various tortures (we can only see the protagonist's constantly changing painful posture). Then the main plot unfolded: he started his escape. (The process is not large at all), and finally climbed out of the ground, and the base gave up because of the economic expenditure overrun for hunting him. So the film ends. We don't know what is on the ground with the huge red sun and the shrunken black figure.
There are two points to note
in the film : 1. A huge man’s poster appears many times in the film, which is pasted on the wall of each telephone booth used to "reliev the distress in the hearts of members". It seems to be a kind of power, an object of prayer, and God’s Symbolic. I think this is a bit similar to "Big Brother" in <1984>.
2. The more emphasis in the film is collective interests and "economy". Members must be convinced that they have to contribute to the collective so that they can work with peace of mind (and there is no control and leadership in the film, and no political background is described) . The economic benefit is to determine the choice of all management behaviors, just like one of them, while hunting down the hero, keeps reporting the economic value spent on him.
To talk about my feelings, this film is very simple. The story it tells is short. It seems that it is just to introduce the situation of the underground world, but the introduction is not complete. Many details are not explained clearly. You have no idea why the people here are here. Underground, what are you doing underground, and what kind of management is there. This is a "dystopian" film. It is not very commercial and entertaining, but it is not a literary art. The three books of the dystopian trilogy <1984>, , and conceive the future world in detail. This movie is just a film expression that lacks obvious. Extreme surveillance and no freedom, collective and institutionalized management, everyone does different actions according to time like walking dead, no personal life, no communication, cold communication, lack of friends, it seems that they want to express such a negative utopian image, although management means Increased economic efficiency and increased social efficiency will be exchanged for the self-awareness of all human beings and the creative activity of independent individuals. In fact, if people are really taught by such mechanization, I believe that human beings will definitely lose their creativity, and social progress and development will also be It is no longer possible. The protagonist is constantly pursuing awakening, pursuing answers, pursuing liberation, and when he is truly free, can he live without everything, and whether he will like it, we don’t know. But this must be the starting point for the world to start again, the starting point for a new bright future. (Should he take a woman up there?) This kind of world has absolutely turned humans into working machines, and the slightly higher leadership class has punished and tortured their compatriots without any regrets. No one has taken this kind of life. Expressing dissatisfaction, but this is also forgivable. It is such a world since I was born, and I have never been exposed to the thought of rights and humanism. They have no books either.
In addition, the film has a slight flaw in the performance of things in the future, and some lack of imagination. After all, we have to consider the age of its production, which is pretty good. At least we can realize that the speed of those post-modern cars has greatly improved (inverted). But the structure of the underground world looks like one by one parking garage and subway, and the last thing the protagonist climbs out is the sewer. What is worth paying attention to is the world between the underground world and the passage. There are no humans, but there are beasts, perhaps abandoned human mutations. At this point, I think that this world has no plants and animals, or even insects, so it is really terrifying. As for the robots that supervise human beings, they are very fragile, and they are very powerful in attacking people, but they fall down as soon as one of them pushes them. Why does no one dare to kill them so easily? Lao Lu's mistakes.
But the overall level is not bad, just take a look, it’s fine, after all, it’s Lao Lu’s debut

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THX 1138 quotes

  • Male voice: T-H-X eleven-thirty-eight will be taken into custody at a minimal monetary expenditure. Total operation cost: six thousand credits under budget. Congratulations. Be efficient, be happy.

  • SEN 5241: You know, when I was at school, it was all very different. We used to stay in bed all the time. Combined primary economics... Combined primary economics was a bottle about this big.

    [holds hands two feet apart]

    SEN 5241: Took a week.

    Child: Wow!