A comedy movie about campus bullying

Madilyn 2021-12-25 08:01:30

Where there are many people, there are conflicts and heights, especially the campuses where adolescent girls live together. High school is a somewhat crucial place, especially for girls. No matter how great the cultural differences between China and the United States are, the school bullying trend is always prosperous and even more intense. The film uses a comedy to weaken the cruelty and sharpness of this social problem, and emphasizes that forgiveness when meeting each other is the best destination for both parties. However, in real life, the psychological shadow and character cowardice formed in the childhood of a child being bullied are not so easy to be erased, and time can not be cured. Everyone grows up with Marni and Joanna, or you are M, you are J, no matter what you were like when you were on the youth campus, please remember that life is always so hard, this's all we knew, but what's past is past, remember everyone derserves a second chance. I know a lot of people say that people who have never encountered bullshit stand up and talk and don’t have back pain. Anyone can say give her a second chance, it’s easy. Yes! I know! Choosing to forgive is not an easy task, but letting go of the past, not thinking about the past, and looking at the world positively and kindly is not a better attitude in life? To change in a better direction, we must believe in the power of hard work and the meaning of persistence. When all the bullshit become the truth, and the truth will just like the bullshit. U cannot control what will happen to u, but u can control the way u will react. Personally, I feel that the light-comedy coat and the slightly lengthy main line waste the entry point of campus bullying that could have been able to flex its muscles. The music of the film is still good. This is also the consistent HP style of beautiful films. No matter how many reversals and humor and dog blood are in the middle, it will always be a happy family together. In an idle afternoon, a listen to soda or a cup of coffee, when you can't settle down to read, maybe this relaxing book can make you smile again.

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You Again quotes

  • Georgia: Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo-coo-cachoo.

  • Marni: I got to admit, the first few rounds went to Joanna. She played some very good hands. Very good, but I'm glad. It made me realize that we have to take it a step up. Take it to a whole new level.

    Ben: Whoa. "We"? No, she's your arch nemesis. I'm not going to be part of your evil plan to bring down Joanna.

    Marni: I'll give you 20 bucks.

    Ben: Done.