You again!!!

Dorthy 2021-12-25 08:01:30

I'm relieved to hear that you are not doing well. Nowadays, this popular sentence is for ex, but it is not bad for her to be of the same sex.

Strictly speaking, I didn't seem to have had such a tragic experience in the past, but I believe that the girl world's fighting will make everyone smile tacitly.
Who said that, only those who have the strength to become a competitor can become your friend. But the word "friend" has a lot of meaning.

I also hope this is a bad ending, because in reality there will not be those sorry, only the difference between winner and loser. And for some winners, I don't really believe that they will understand Loser's mentality. That's right, why do they care? It

's me, I'm Loser.

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You Again quotes

  • Georgia: Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo-coo-cachoo.

  • Marni: I got to admit, the first few rounds went to Joanna. She played some very good hands. Very good, but I'm glad. It made me realize that we have to take it a step up. Take it to a whole new level.

    Ben: Whoa. "We"? No, she's your arch nemesis. I'm not going to be part of your evil plan to bring down Joanna.

    Marni: I'll give you 20 bucks.

    Ben: Done.