A man named Ovi makes me want to die

Camryn 2022-10-21 16:32:15

First of all, what attracted me was the title, which was simply capricious! How can we name a movie in one sentence? Let’s see how many literary and artistic names our movie is named: "Lu Yao Knows Marli", "Villain Angel", "Dream Partner"... "A man named Ovi decides "Go to Die" is almost comparable to "Going to the zoo to relax with my dear is a serious matter", oh yes, the latter is a thing that claims to be "IP". Secondly, let’s take a look at how huge our movie investment is, how magnificent the scene is, and how gorgeous the cast lineup is: "Fuchun Mountain Residence", I heard that recently there was another "Legend of the Gods" that competed fiercely with him. .
I am really ashamed that I have not contributed a single point to the box office of these domestic giants.
Why do you want to die? Because I feel hopeless.
As a person who wants to make a living from codewords, I think it may be difficult to see my works appear on TV or screen in recent years.
Three months ago, I just experienced a script creation with a well-known domestic producer. This time, I still did not resist. After nine subversive revisions to the ninth episode, I surrendered. NS.
The words of the producer are still in my ears: I hope that my work spreads truth, goodness and beauty. I hope that the male protagonist is a refined and perfect sea turtle. I hope that there is no bad person in my work. Everyone is treated with kindness and love. Around... excuse me? your works? Well, looking at the hero in the current script, who is estimated to not even urinate on the toilet lid, - indeed, yes, your work! (Yida Faner)
A film and television company had a meeting a week ago, and the leaders were boasting about this year’s performance, how many hits, how many clicks on the network, how much market share, how much box office, and at the same time, how many IPs were purchased . Oh no, now the film and television circle talks about IP has been out, okay, now we are talking about SIP,-Super IP! Can you get it?
Sorry, I really can't get it! I can’t get "Small Smiles Are Allure", I can’t get "Why Shengxiao Silently", and I can’t get "Going to the Zoo to Relax with My Dear Is a Serious Business", so I can’t understand the essentials of leadership. I can only lead the dead wages silently, watching one after another exploding projects passing by one after another.
I think my heart is swollen like Ovie, so I become extremely sensitive. Watching "Camille" crying as a dog, watching "Before Meeting You" crying as a dog, watching "Ovie" makes me cry directly Tian Qiandi was so scared that Awang beside him screamed.
There is no grand story, no shining cast, no gorgeous scenes, just a story of a Nordic micro-community, a few families, a house, an old man insisting on begging to die. The old man is selfish, paranoid, has no friends, is indifferent and good.
It was such a character that not only touched me, but also touched a bunch of spectators in the barrage. You see, touching is not that difficult. A good movie doesn't need much delicate structure and skills.
Thinking of my collaboration with a certain director two years ago, it is said that I have replaced more than a dozen screenwriters before me, and there are many screenwriters with high draft fees and reputation. I am the penultimate screenwriter, and the last one is the director himself. . In fact, I am ashamed, my role is just to adjust the relationship and climax of the characters, and then pull the script again. In the end, I took a very small amount of money and surrendered again. Some time ago, I heard that the film was finally completed after two remakes. The director vowed to tell me that the film was great. During the internal screening, all the viewers cried, and there will be my signature! In fact, I want to say that it really doesn't matter. After reading the script, I think, in fact, it doesn't matter if you don't sign it!
Thinking of myself full of enthusiasm and vows when I graduated from college, now, I really want to die...

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A Man Called Ove quotes

  • Ove: Some people say that fate is the result of our own foolishness.

  • Ove: Hey! What are you doing?

    Mähät: It scratched Prince.

    Ove: Throw another stone and I'll sew a doormat with your mop!

    Mähät: It is a chihuahua. And the cat certainly has both rabies and plague.

    Ove: Oh, yes. Clearly, you do, too, but we do not throw stones at you.

    Mähät: You still think you can do whatever you want? Slimy fucking old man. I'll tell Anders.

    Ove: Go ahead, tell him. If you can make someone who drives an Audi understand. Four zeros on the grill and a fifth at the wheel. If that dog pees in our area again, I'll electrify it. Idiot!