The worst movie I have ever seen

Amelie 2022-04-23 06:01:02

The plot is absurd, the performance is superficial, and the problem-solving process is extremely mentally handicapped, full of excrement and fart jokes. It has the characteristics that all bad movies should have, and in addition, it ruins the image of Jessica Alba.

Forgive me not to repeat the plot, I don't want to disgust myself again.

I originally watched this film for Jessica. Although I saw that the evaluation of this film is very low, I still think that my personal views may be different. As a result, it was so bad that it could not be added, it was so bad that there was thunder and lightning, it was so bad that it was his grandma's house. In the previous movies, even if Jessica appeared as a vase, at least she had a brain. In this movie, she is a silly eldest sister, and the limit of IQ is zero, and the effect is equivalent to one person being high. A piece of paper was pasted on the wooden stake with the word "beauty" written on it. That's right, all this film wants is her pretty face. The reason why I can insist on reading it is to persuade myself: bear with me, the next shot will have Jessica's beautiful face. However, there are too few such shots. It is Mike Myers' nauseating face that has been occupying the screen, and the addition of a beard can kill black and white impermanence.

Mike Myers has made some films, like "Powers Ace" and so on, all of which follow the three-secular route. A person's vision and abilities are limited, and what he does is to a large extent repetitive and fluctuates up and down with a horizontal line as the axis. In fact, it is not so appropriate to say that fluctuations are because there is a ceiling upwards, but there is no limit downwards. In this "Master of Love", McMyers did it. He challenged his downward possibility and reached an unprecedented low level, allowing me to see the endless space in which a movie rotted. Thank him, but I will stay away from his movie, even if it contains Jessica Alba.

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The Love Guru quotes

  • Guru Pitka: Rajneesh, I'd like an alligator soup, and make it snappy. Because alligators are snappy, and at the same time, I want it prompt.

  • Coach Punch Cherkov: If I sit like this any longer, I'm gonna pop my dink bag.