Even a pastor needs a pastor

Silas 2021-12-27 08:01:54

Even a pastor needs a pastor. The pastor Hawke was asked to enlighten Mary's husband, but after speaking a high-sounding remark, the latter remained unmoved and committed suicide.

It was then that Hawke suddenly realized that Mary's husband was more real than himself.

Maybe Mary's husband's views on the environment and the future of mankind are extreme, but his actions are consistent with his own views. He went to demonstrate. He didn't want children, and he didn't want to let children be born in a society that was getting worse and worse, which he thought was irreversible. He even chose to commit suicide.

But what about Hawke? What he said was chicken soup, but in private he was alcoholic and depressed. On the one hand, they condemn the companies that sponsor churches that cause pollution, and on the other they are contaminating their bodies with alcohol and drugs. On the one hand, I don’t like women who like me in the church. On the other hand, I can’t afford to deal with each other.

Those who originally wanted to redeem others just need to be redeemed themselves.

It was Mary, the woman he wanted to redeem, but in turn redeemed him.

She sincerely asked for advice and gave him a chance to reflect on himself.

She unreservedly revealed the situation of her family and gave him the courage to face her own situation.

They went out on a bicycle outing together, and gave him an experience he hadn't had in more than two decades.

Together, they "dual cultivation of men and women"... so that he truly understood God's message: to be a person of unity in body and mind.

So he had the courage to finally say what he wanted to say to the woman who admired him in the church.

Even so, he chose the old way of Mary's husband at first: facing the world with disappointment and hatred, so he put on the suicide bomb vest left by Mary's husband.

When he saw Mary also come to participate in the event, out of emotion, he took off his bomb vest, but wrapped his body with iron wire until it was dripping with blood, and then drank the deadly poison.

Only when he saw Mary come to him for a moment, he suddenly understood God's true meaning: to be a person of physical and mental unity, you can also choose. You can choose despair or hope. Sun and shadows accompany each other, it all depends on what you want.

At the end of the film, Hawke used his actions to make a choice, which also made the audience think about it after watching the film.

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First Reformed quotes

  • Reverend Ernst Toller: Discernment intersects with Christian life at every moment. Discernment. Listening and waiting for God's wish what action must be taken.

  • Reverend Ernst Toller: The desire to pray itself is a type of prayer. How often we ask for genuine experience when all we really want is emotion.