May all your wishes come true

Katarina 2022-10-01 01:02:40

This is an age of reason. In this age, only beautiful little girls still believe in dreams.

Without dreams, we all look stupid, but we are actually stupid.

So smart politicians have become elected representatives, denying dreams in the name of reason, stifling dreams like death, taking them away, turning dreams into cults, and planting ignorant darkness in people's hearts.

Only the little girl saw the death god in a doctor's skin. The fire of life of the earl was taken away, and the light of dreams was extinguished by people's ignorance.

Free, are you really free? In a country that prides itself on reason, in a democratically elected world, are you really free? If you no longer know what your dreams are, you no longer have the courage to imagine.

What we worked hard to save, and protected with the last weak force, was in the end just a castle in the illusion. After being devastated and ruined, it turned into a farce on the stage of life. The audience only said you were acting.

After all, your life is your own play, as long as you believe, everything is possible.

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Extended Reading

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen quotes

  • [after the King of the Moon's body crashes, his head flies free]

    King of the Moon: I'm free! I'm free at last! The body is dead! The body is dead, long live the head, it's finished, finito, heh-heh! Bye, body! Ha-ha! I shall prove a head does not need a body to survive! I am omnipotent, ha-ha! Yes... OH! Oh no, I got an itch! Oh, no! Oh no, oh no... AH-CHOOOOO!

    [the force of the sneeze rockets him backwards and out of sight]

  • [the Queen's head comes to rescue the Baron]

    Baron Munchausen: Where exactly is Roger?

    Queen Ariadne: In bed, with my body, of course. OH!

    [makes a series of high-pitched moans and squeals]

    Queen Ariadne: Stop it. Stop it!

    [to the Baron]

    Queen Ariadne: If he discovers my head's with you - ooh! Quickly, quickly. Quickly! Climb into my hair.

    [continuing to whimper]

    Sally: Why is she making those funny noises?

    Baron Munchausen: Um, her body is with the King, and he is, uh... tickling her feet.