Bragging is a kind of spirit~

Valentina 2022-05-25 21:08:02

I saw "The Adventures of the Bragging King" when I was in elementary school, but apart from remembering the spire of the church, the duke on horseback claimed to be safe even after jumping from the top and couldn't remember the extra plot. .

I like this movie, very, very much~ Everyone will interpret the movie differently. I understand its theme as freedom.

[Excerpt of lines]

I am tired of this world, and this world is tired of me.


Why? Why? Why? Because now there is logic and reason everywhere. Science and technology, the laws of hydraulics, and social norms.

This is also a criterion, that is also a criterion, there are only guidelines everywhere. There are no three-legged Cyclops in the southern waters, no cucumber trees and a sea full of wine. There is no place for me.

Their heads were busy thinking and left the body. The trouble is that the head and body are always out of harmony.

Thinking that we were once one, but now we are totally different. He is a member of the food chain, and I belong to the galaxy. It can be proved that I can survive without the body, I am almighty.

Life is full of constraints, and we cannot fly to the moon or resist thinking. We have to face the truth instead of suspense. You are not living in the real world, so you have a very birdy ending.


Regardless Whether I am free, whether there is freedom or not, at least, I can brag as I want and amuse myself haha~ I think anyone can do the same.

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Extended Reading

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen quotes

  • [after the King of the Moon's body crashes, his head flies free]

    King of the Moon: I'm free! I'm free at last! The body is dead! The body is dead, long live the head, it's finished, finito, heh-heh! Bye, body! Ha-ha! I shall prove a head does not need a body to survive! I am omnipotent, ha-ha! Yes... OH! Oh no, I got an itch! Oh, no! Oh no, oh no... AH-CHOOOOO!

    [the force of the sneeze rockets him backwards and out of sight]

  • [the Queen's head comes to rescue the Baron]

    Baron Munchausen: Where exactly is Roger?

    Queen Ariadne: In bed, with my body, of course. OH!

    [makes a series of high-pitched moans and squeals]

    Queen Ariadne: Stop it. Stop it!

    [to the Baron]

    Queen Ariadne: If he discovers my head's with you - ooh! Quickly, quickly. Quickly! Climb into my hair.

    [continuing to whimper]

    Sally: Why is she making those funny noises?

    Baron Munchausen: Um, her body is with the King, and he is, uh... tickling her feet.