Graham: No, I just… Right now I have one key, you know, everything I own is in the car. I like that. If I get an apartment, that's two keys. If I get a job, you know, I might have to open or close. That's more keys. I buy some stuff, I'm afraid it's gonna get ripped off, and I get more keys. I just like having the one key. It's clean. You don't have to worry about losin''em.
John: Get rid of the car when you get the apartment. Still one key.
Graham: I like having the car. You know? The car's important. You gotta be mobile. In case you have to leave someplace in a hurry? Yeah, or go to someplace in a hurry.
"'Advice' Theory"
Ann: You're in therapy? Aren't you?
Graham: No. I... No, I'm not. I was a miserable failure in therapy.
Ann: So you don't believe in therapy?
Graham: No, I believe in it for some people. I don't know, it was, you know, silly for me. I was confused going in. So I just formed my own theory, that you should never take advice from someone that doesn't know you intimately.
Ann: Well, I know my therapist intimately.
Graham: You've had sex with your therapist?
Ann: No! No. No.
Graham: Oh, no, I'm sorry. That's what I meant. Somebody you've had sex with.
Ann: Oh. I'm … I don't understand. I mean, how would you know? I mean, you know. How…?
Graham: Oh, no. I wasn't always impotent.
Ann: Oh. Oh, OK. So, let me see. You said, um…you said that I should never take advice from someone that I haven't had sex with, right?
Graham: Basically.
Ann: Right. And, uh, we haven't had sex. Right?
Graham: No.
Ann: So I guess from your own advice, I shouldn't take your advice.
Graham: I wouldn't.
Ann: You wouldn't? OK.
" The …Organ"
Graham: When did you finally see a penis?
Cynthia: When I was 14.
Graham: So, what'd you think? Was it what you expected it to be?
Cynthia: No. Not really. I…I didn't… I sorta pictured it, um…I didn't think it would have veins or ridges or anything. I just thought it would be smooth, like a test tube. It's weird , thinking about it now. The… organ itself seemed like a separate thing, a separate entity to me. I mean, when he finally pulled it out and I could look at it and touch it. I forgot that there was a attached guy to it. I remember literally being startled when the guy spoke to me.
Graham: What did he say?
Cynthia: He said my hand felt good.
Graham: Then what happened?
Cynthia: And…Then I started movin' my hand, and then he stopped talkin'.
"Why + My Problems Belong to Me"
Graham: What? What do you want me to tell you? "Tell me why?" Why? Ann, you don't even know who I am. You don't have the slightest idea who I am. Am I supposed to recount all the points in my life leading up to this moment and just hope that it's coherent, that it makes some sort of sense to you? It doesn't make any sense to me. You know, I was there. I don't have the slightest idea who I am, and I'm supposed to be able to explain it to you? And why? You tell me why. Why do I have to explain myself to you?
Ann: Because maybe I can help you.
Graham: Help me with what?
Ann: Your problem.
Graham: My problem? Do I have a problem? I look around me in this town and I see John and Cynthia and you, and I…I feel comparatively healthy.
Ann: You've got a problem.
Graham: You're right. I've got a lot of problems. But they belong to me.
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