"Sex, Lies, Videotape" screenplay

Enid 2021-12-22 08:01:17

"Sex, Lies, Videotape" screenplay

produced by Outlaw Films, USA in 1989.
Director: Swan Soderbergh
Photography: Walter Lloyd
Compiled by James Spect and Andy McDowell : Kang Dong
illustration: Zhou Zheng
Awards: 1989 won the 42nd international Cannes film Festival Palme d'Or and best Actor Award

1. the location, road, day
in about 29-year-old Graham Dalton, while driving his The Cutlers car was smoking a cigarette. He looked like a yuppie or a self-proclaimed artist. However, neither judgment is correct. Obviously, he is a very smart man, amiable. There is only one key hanging on his key ring, which is inserted in the keyhole.
Ann (voice enters in advance): Rubbish. I'm thinking about how to deal with this rubbish. I mean, where to put them, in the end we won’t have a place to put these rubbish, right? This kind of thing happened before. The barge full of rubbish ran aground and no one took it away, remember?

2. Interior view, doctor's office,
26-year-old Ann Bishop Milani during the day sitting opposite her treating doctor. She is a very attractive woman, although she is an adult, she is still dressed like a pre-university student, with a wedding ring on her left finger.
Doctor: Yes, I still remember. What do you do when this mood overwhelms you?
Ann: Do nothing. I mean, do nothing. I don't do anything that can produce garbage, so it is obvious that we are talking about basic things like eating and survival. Did you know that an average person produces three pounds of garbage every day?
Doctor: No, I don't know.
Ann: Don't you think that is a lot of rubbish? I really want to know where all the garbage went.
Doctor: Why do you have this idea?
Ann: Well, this weekend John went to take out the trash, and many things spilled out of the trash can. I began to imagine a trash can that produces trash, as if it filled up by itself, and then kept overflowing. If this happens, what method can be used to prevent it?
Doctor: Ann, do you see any coincidences?
Ann: What do you mean?
Doctor: Well, last week we talked about you being troubled by the plane crash of your family. Now we are talking about the rubbish problem that you care about.
Ann: Yes, so what?
Doctor: If you think about it, you will find that your troubles must be negative things that you cannot control.
Ann: Hey, have you thought about many people running around, thinking how happy they feel and how great everything is? I mean, even if there is, there is no need for psychotherapy. In addition, happiness is not necessarily so great. When I feel depressed, my image is always at its best. When I was really happy, I gained 25 pounds. At that time I thought that John would be paralyzed by fright.
John (voice enters in advance): It's true, I'll tell you.

3. Interior view, law firm,
29-year-old John Milani during the day sitting at his desk talking on the phone. He is neatly dressed, with suspenders on his trousers, a white stiff collar shirt with stripes and a cotton suit. He was fiddling with the wedding ring on his left finger.
John: Once you put on a ring, you immediately receive the attention of the opposite sex. To be honest, I really hope that every time I watch an American football game, a woman will come over and talk to me. I had never had an affair before I got married. Fuck, if I knew this, I would buy a ring at the age of 18. It would save me a lot of time and money.
John looks at his watch.
John: Damn, where should I go. (Quickly) Look, is it Thursday to play squash? You are the most composed.
John put on his coat and pressed the intercom.
John: Hey, Janet, set a new time with Mr. Clander and tell him to come at half past one on Friday.
Doctor (voice enters early, to Ann): Haven't you told John about these things?
Ann (voice enters in advance): Not yet.

4. Interior view, the bathroom of a law firm,
John brushes his teeth during the day , and then carefully combs his hair.
Doctor (voice enters early, to Ann): Are you afraid of his reaction? Afraid that he will find you thinking about these things and think you are stupid?
Ann (voice enters in advance): No, I don't know. I haven't told him about the rubbish, because I bother him now. He invited a close friend of the university to live in my house for two days without asking me in advance. I mean, of course I will agree, I just hope he asks me first.

5. Interior view, doctor's office,
doctor during the day : Why are you unhappy?
Ann: I think it's because I can't control my emotions. I mean, the house belongs to him, really, he repays the loan.
Doctor: But he wants you to give up your job and do housework.
Ann: Yes, I know that.
Doctor: Although there is an unexpected visitor, how is your relationship with John?
Ann (shrugs): I guess, it's good. Except now I don't want him to touch me.

6. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment,
Cynthia Bishop is Ann’s sister during the day . She opened the door and let in John Milani, who had recently become a lawyer. They kissed impulsively and passionately, and began to undress. Cynthia looked a bit like Ann, but not as beautiful as Ann. However, she does have a sexy charm and coquettish that Ann lacks.
Doctor (voice enters early): When did you start to feel this way?
Ann (voice enters early): About a week ago. I don't know how to feel this way, but I don't want him to touch me.
Doctor (voice enters early, to Ann): Before you felt this way, did you have a good sex life with him?
Ann (voice enters in advance): Comfortable. (Pauses) However, I have never really been passionate about sex. I mean, like is like, but there is no special feeling, and I don’t really want to, do you understand? However, anyway, we haven't done anything lately. As I said, I don't want this. However, this kind of thing suddenly cooled down, which made me very strange.
John and Cynthia are having sex.
Doctor (voice enters early): Maybe he sensed your hesitation when you were touched.
Ann (voice enters in advance): But, before I felt this way, he stopped touching me, which is why it makes me feel incredible. I mean, I know he wants me to take the initiative once in a while, but I never think about it. I always think about other things. Later, I had a few impulses, but I was alone.
Doctor (voice enters early): Have you done anything? (Pause)
An (voice enters in advance): What do you mean?
Doctor (voice enters in advance): Have you blasphemed yourself?

7. Interior, doctors' offices, day
Ann (surprised): God, no.
Doctor: I have no choice but to believe what you said is true.
Ann (slightly disturbed): Well, I tried it once. It seemed stupid. I kept looking at myself lying there and felt stupid. I was worried that my dead grandfather was watching me doing this. It seemed like doing a disgraceful thing, especially since we don’t know yet. What to do with that garbage. do you know?
Doctor: So, you just tried it recently.
Ann (takes a breath, lowers his head): Uh, it's recently, but not too close. (Pauses for a while) I really can't stand having a guest at home.

8. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment, where
John and Cynthia were lying on the bed sweating profusely during the day .
John: I have to go back to the office.
Cynthia: Only once today? Look, how exciting.
John rolled over and got out of bed and started putting on clothes.
John: My lunch time cannot be too long. I have already turned off a meeting.
Cynthia: Don't fucking say that for a while, then say that for a while. Just leave if you want. I live without you. Do you understand what I'm saying?
John shook his head.
John (in clothes): Why don't you tell me how you really feel? I have a friend from out of town visiting, and I may have to spend some time with him in a few days.
Cynthia: It means we have to stop our relationship for a while, right?
John: Yes.
Cynthia shrugged and said nothing. John is almost dressed.
John: I really hope you quit your job in the bar.
Cynthia: Why?
John: I hate the way those men slap you.
Cynthia: I can handle it. Besides, the remuneration is not low, and some men are also quite cute. You are not qualified to be jealous.
John: Who said I was jealous?
Cynthia: I said.
John was speechless.
Cynthia: You know, I really want to come to your house someday. Doing this kind of thing on my sister's bed made me feel an evil pleasure.
John thought.
Cynthia: I wish I could tell everyone that Ann is a bad lover. The beautiful and ordinary Ann Bishop Milani.
John: It may take a risk.
Cynthia: Then I might be able to spread some rumors.
John: I mean doing this kind of thing in my house.
Cynthia: Afraid of being hit?
John: Maybe.
Cynthia: You should be afraid. Can I meet your friends?
John: Cynthia, I don’t think you want to see him, I mean, you should look at the way he dresses. I really think his situation is not good.
Cynthia: I am very interested in him.
John: Why are you interested in him?
Cynthia: Maybe he is the man I am looking for. Then I don't have to worry about the fucking husbands who are telling lies.
John looked at her for a while, then walked towards the door.

9. Location, John and Ann Milani’s house,
Graham stopped the car in the driveway of Milani’s house during the day . He opened the trunk of the car, revealing a set of 8mm Sony video cameras and a black duffel bag. He grabbed the duffel bag, closed the trunk of the car, and walked towards the door.
Graham knocked on the door. Ann came out and opened the door. Graham stamped out the cigarette with his foot. He wore a pair of old tennis shoes on his feet. Ann couldn't hide her surprise when she saw him in this outfit.
Graham: Is it Ann?
Ann: Who are you?
Graham (holds out his hand): Graham Dalton.
Ann shook his hand.
Graham: Can I use your bathroom?
Ann: Yes, yes, please come in.
Graham walked in.

10. Interior, John and Ann Milani home during the day
Ann closing the door, Graham schematic towards the rear of the house.
Ann: Go straight back, the first door on the left.
Graham walked to the bathroom. Ann walked to the phone and called John's office.
Voice on the phone: Foreman, Brandt and Milani.
Ann: John Milani, please answer the phone. I'm his wife.
Graham walked out of the bathroom. Ann quickly hung up the phone.
Ann: So fast.
Graham: A false alarm.
Ann: Oh, then, please sit down.
Graham sat down. He is energetic and very likable. He took a cigarette from the pocket of his torn black leather jacket and looked around, looking for an ashtray. Gasped angrily.
Ann: We... don't often let people smoke in the house. We have a patio, if you...
Graham: Well, it's okay. Can wait a while.
Quiet for a moment. Graham looked directly at Ann. This is not a challenging stare, he just wants to figure out what kind of person she is. To his credit, Ann greeted his stare. There was something subtle in their eyes.
Ann (looking at the worn-out bag): Do you have anything else?
Graham: Yes. (Pauses) Well, you meant to move in! there is none left. Of course, I still have some things in my car, but there is no need to bring them in. These things are enough to live here.
Ann: Oh.
Graham smiled. He has an extraordinary face, which is a very handsome but somewhat strange face.
Graham: Have you ever been on TV?
Ann: TV?
Graham: Yeah.
Ann: I haven't been. Why do you ask about this?
Graham (shrugs): Just curious.
Ann turned on the air conditioner with a smile.
Ann: Graham is an unusual name.
Graham: Yes, I think so. My mother is a thoroughly British person, and anything produced in Britain makes her happy like a child. Maybe she heard the name in some movie. Now she is a TV fan.
Ann: Oh, ho.
Graham: Does my dress make you uncomfortable?
Ann (speaking plainly): No. I feel very good.
Graham (smiling): Really? Well, maybe I feel uncomfortable with my dress, and it's a bit out of harmony with this environment.
Ann: Oh...
Graham: I used to take pleasure in this, consciously being different and embarrassing others. Didn't you do that when you were a kid?
Ann (thinkingly): No, I haven't done it that way.
Graham: But I did it before. Once I joined a band, it was not because I liked music at all, but because I tried to make as many people feel harsh.
Ann: Do you know a musical instrument?
Graham: No. I am only responsible for standing next to the microphone and cueing people. It's a bit...outrageous. What do you think of marriage?
Ann (feeling a little surprised): Well, I like it, I like it very much.
Graham: What do you like about it? I am not criticizing it, I really want to know.
Ann: It’s okay... it’s okay. The old saying about security is absolutely true. We have a house, I really like it, you know? I also like that John is a partner, he has a fixed job, he is not a...
Ann looked at Graham and stopped. He smiled.
Ann: ...there are no people with a fixed career, you know.
Graham: I know. So you feel safe and stable, as if something lasts for a period of time.
Ann: Oh, of course. I mean, this year has passed so fast! I don't even know it has passed.
Graham: Did you know? You lock a person in a room, and if his only clock slows down by two hours every 24 hours, his body will eventually adapt to that time. The reason is simple, because this person treats 26 hours as 24 hours, and his body will adapt accordingly. Moreover, different time periods follow. Your life can be divided into time periods, which forms your personality, if you have one. For example, when I was 12 years old, I once talked with my father for 11 minutes. To this day, this conversation still determines our relationship. Now, I'm not saying that everything happened during that special time period. However, the events of my childhood, including the events reminded me by my father, are closely related to those 11 minutes.
If Ann was a little overwhelmed, she was still strongly attracted by Graham's talk.
Ann: Oh, uh... uh.
Graham (smiling): Anyway, I think human thoughts can adapt to changes in time.
Ann: Do you mean "time flies"?
Graham: Absolutely correct. I want to say the fact that you feel that the first year after marriage passes very quickly, which means many things, or possibly many things.
Ann: How long have you been apart from John?
Graham: Nine years.
Ann: Nine years?
Graham: Yeah. I asked him if he could stay here before I found a place to live, and he actually agreed, which surprised me.
Ann: Why? Don't you know him well?
Graham: I used to know him very well, until I broke up with him, we were quite close.
Ann: Why did you break up with him?
Graham: Well, there are many reasons, but most of them are not interesting. But, until we broke up, John and I were still...very similar.
Ann: That's incredible. Now you two don't look alike at all.
Graham: I imagine we are very similar now. I really need to make it easier.
Graham stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Ann stared at him with a blank smile on her face. Hearing the sound of the door closing, she couldn't help taking a closer look at Graham's duffel bag.
Graham rummaged around in the bathroom. He looked at the medicine cabinet and sniffed the towels.
John (voice enters early): Call the police.

11. Interior view, John and Ann Milani’s house, night
John, Ann and Graham are having dinner.
John (to Graham): That was the first thought that came to my mind when I saw you. I think this is not the guy who rode through the triumphant team naked on a unicycle.
Ann (to Graham): Did you do that?
Graham: Everyone has a past.
John (smiling at Graham): How do you think the "Greek" (Note 1) would treat the suit you were wearing?
Graham: Maybe it will burn.
John took a sip of whiskey.
Graham (to Ann): Dinner is very delicious.
Ann: Thank you.
John: Yes, it's not bad. Usually too much salt is placed. I kept reminding her that if there is less salt, you can add it, but if there is too much salt, you can't get it out.
Graham (to Ann): Do you have a family here?
Ann (nodding while chewing): Mom, Dad and a sister.
Graham: Sister or younger sister?
Ann: Sister.
John took a sip of whiskey.
Graham: Are you close?
Graham noticed that Ann and John exchanged glances.
Graham: Sorry, am I asking again?
John: Did you inquire about it just now?
Graham: Yes. This afternoon, I cross-examined your marriage life to Ann in detail.
John (smiling): Really? How is it going?
Graham: She is good at parrying.
Ann laughed.
Graham (to Ann): It sounds like I asked your sister.
Ann's smile disappeared. John started to eat again.
Ann: Well, we get along well. But she is very... She is an outgoing person. I think she is too popular. Maybe she will not agree. She would definitely not agree.
John (to Graham): Are you going to see Elizabeth?
Graham's reaction seemed imperceptible.
Graham: I don't know.
Ann (interestedly): Who is Elizabeth?
John: The girl Graham had dated before. As far as I know, she still lives here.
Graham ate in silence.
Ann: Graham told me about the apartment. I told him to take a look at the garden area. There are some beautiful small houses, garage apartments and other residences.
John (to Graham): Stay away from the garden area. Crime is rampant there. I don't know what kind of place you are looking for, but there are many suitable junior apartment suites everywhere.
Graham: I hope I don't have to live somewhere.
John (laughing); what do you mean?
Graham thought for a while, then put the key ring with only one key on the table.
Graham: You see, now I only have this key. I really like it. All my belongings are in the car. If I had an apartment, it would be two keys. If I had a job, I might have to close and open the door from time to time, and then there would be more keys. Or if I buy something, I am afraid of being stolen, so I have to secure it so that there are more and more keys. I really like having only one key. It's so neat, you know?
John: Don't ask for a car if you have an apartment. You still only have a Hu key.
Graham: I like to have a car. The car is very important to me.
John: Especially when you are anxious to leave somewhere.
Graham: Or go somewhere in a hurry.
Ann brought his dishes into the kitchen.
John (smiling at Graham): Do you pay taxes?
Graham: Do I pay taxes? Of course I pay taxes, only scammers do not pay taxes, I am not a scammer. Liars are second-class indecent blanks in the world.
Ann (from the kitchen): What is the first class?
Graham: Lawyer.
John smiled, thinking. Graham walked into the kitchen. John shouted at them.
John: Hey, Ann, why don't you accompany Graham to find a house? Show him the changes in the city.
Ann looked at Graham.
Ann: Do you mind?
Graham: No.
Ann (calling to John): Okay, I'll go!
John sat at the table, playing with his key ring, and nodded.

12. Interior view, John and Ann Lamini's house, night
Except for Ann, everyone fell asleep. She got up from the bed and sneaked into Graham's bedroom. She walked carefully to his bed to see how he fell asleep. He breathed calmly, and the moonlight stroked his face. He took a breath and slowly turned over, turning his back to Ann.
Ann picked up Graham's clothes from the bed, touched them, sent them under his nose and sniffed them, then put them down again.

13. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment, the
phone rang during the day . Cynthia answered the phone.
Cynthia: Hello.
John: Cynthia, this is John. Meet at my house in an hour.
Cynthia: You bastard. I must go.

14. Interior view, empty apartment,
Graham and Ann walked around in the room during the day , their footsteps ringing heavily on the hardwood floor. Mr. Miller, the landlord, stood by. He looked at Ann with interest.
Mr. Miller: The place is enough for two people.
Graham: Just me.
Mr. Miller: Is it a student?
Graham: No. (Pauses) You mean 350 yuan?
Mr. Miller: Plus the deposit for the first month and the last month.
Graham: How about monthly rentals?
Mr. Miller: 350 yuan will not work.
Graham: How about 500 yuan?
Mr. Miller looked at Ann, then looked back at Graham.
Mr. Miller: Yes.

15. Interior view, John and Ann Milani's house,
Cynthia opened the door and walked in during the day . She looked around.
Cynthia: John?
John (voice-over): Here it is!
Cynthia walked into the bedroom. John lay naked on the bed. She laughed and ditched her shoes.
Cynthia: You really look like a painting.
Cynthia began to undress. She took off the diamond earrings, put them in her pocket, and threw the clothes on the floor. She climbed onto the bed and climbed to John's side.
Ann (voice enters in advance): Maybe you understand this, because you know John, but he sometimes confuses me.
Graham (voice enters early): What do you mean?

16. Interior view, cafe,
Graham and Ann have lunch during the day . It seems that Ann drank a lot of alcohol. Graham drank soda with lemon.
Ann: It's hard to explain. It's like... John is the same to everyone, you know? I mean, when he saw me, he was as excited as seeing someone he didn't know, so I felt that if I were treated exactly the same as those acquaintances, then what was the difference between me and them? If I don't like someone, I don't pretend to like it. I think this is why many people think I am a bad woman.
She took a sip of wine.
Graham: Yes, I know. I mean, I am not saying that I know that others think you are a bad woman, I am saying that I understand what you mean. I don't even know that people think you are a bad woman, do they think so?
Ann: I feel so.
Graham: Yeah. Well, maybe you are. In fact, I don't take it seriously.
Ann smiled.
Graham: I know that there are not many people close to me, so I don't waste time on people who have a bad relationship with me.
Ann: Yes, that's right. I also don't contact many people, except John.
Graham nodded.
Ann: Can I tell you something personal? I feel like I can. Something I can't tell John, or what I don't want to tell.
Graham: Whatever you want. But I warn you, if you talk to me about private matters, I will talk to you too.
Ann: All right. I think...I think people overvalue sex. I think people pay too much attention to it. I also think that saying that women need sex is also nonsense. I'm not saying that women don't need it, I just think that the reason why women need sex is not what men think. (Smiling) I am confused.
Graham smiled.
Ann: Do you understand what I want to say?
Graham: I think so. I remember somewhere I read that men learn to love from the person they love, and women become more attractive for the person they love.
Ann: Exactly! that is! That's right, it's true.
Graham watched Ann and took a sip of wine.
Graham: What about the kid?
Ann: Child? What's the matter with the child?
Graham: Do you want children?
Ann: Yes, of course. But John didn't want it. At least not right now.
Graham: Why?
Ann: I don't know. He just said he wanted to wait. I didn't ask again.
Graham nodded.
Ann: Do you have a personal business? Do you really want to tell me about your personal affairs?
Graham: Do you want me to speak?
Ann: As long as it's not... nasty, okay? Like trauma or something. Like mine, about you.
Graham: All right.
Graham took a sip of soda.
Graham: I am impotence.
Ann watched him closely.
Ann: What are you?
Graham: Impotence.
Ann: Are you?
Graham: Well, let's put it this way, I can't get an erection in the presence of someone else. It is actually equal to impotence.
Ann took a sip of wine. Graham lit a cigarette.
Ann: Does this annoy you?
Graham (sighs): Not very often. I mean, to be honest, I don't understand why many people get erections at the first thought, so I feel that as long as I have a clear head, I am a big winner.
Ann: So... do you have self-awareness about this?
Graham: Yes. But it's different from you. You are the most attractive self-conscious person I have ever met.
Ann: Why do you say that I am self-aware?
Graham: I have been observing you. I watched you eat, watched your talk, watched your walking posture, I saw a person who was extremely sensitive to the observations of others. I think you really believe that others have been watching you. do you know?
Ann: What do you know?
Graham: They are looking at you. Ann, you are so breathless. I don't know if you understand that your appearance can influence others. Men want to own you, women want to look like you. And those people can't resent you. The fact that you are a good person makes things worse.
Ann (thinking): My therapist said...
Graham: Are you receiving treatment?
Ann: Don't you?
Graham: Ha! No. In fact, I have accepted it before. But my treating doctor was ineffective in helping me deal with my problem. Of course, I often lie to him, so I don't think I can hold him full responsibility...
Ann: So you don't believe in treatment.
Graham: I believe it works for some people. But for me, the treatment is very boring, and I feel more and more confused. So I came to my own conclusion, never take the advice of an unintimate opposite sex.
Ann: My treating doctor and I are very close.
Graham (surprised): Have you had sex with him?
Ann: Of course not.
Graham: Oh, look, I mean someone who has sex with you. This is part of this theory.
Ann: Please forgive me for asking, but how did you know?
Graham (smiling): Well, I am not always impotent.
Ann took another sip of wine and thought for a moment.
Ann: Then you say you never take the advice of people who are not close to you, right?
Graham: Basically yes.

17. Interior view, home of John and Ann Milani, daytime
Cynthia is leaving. She and John kissed goodbye warmly.
Ann (voice continues): Since I have never had sex with you, according to your theory, I should not adopt your suggestion.
Graham (voice continues to this point): That's right. (Pauses) It's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?
Cynthia didn't put on the diamond earring.

18. The interior, doctors' offices, day
Ann: ah, I do not know. This week started okay, and then I went out to water the plants. I felt dizzy under the sweltering heat, which reminded me of the greenhouse effect, so I walked into the room and turned on the air conditioner to its maximum until I thought that the radon gas leaked through the floor. , I feel a little better...
Doctor: Radon leaking?
Ann: Yes, there is a radioactive gas like radon in the ground, and the house sucks it up like a magnet—have you never heard of it?
Doctor: No.
Ann: The accumulated result is not good, let me tell you. (Pauses) I knew I shouldn't water those plants.
Doctor: Have you questioned John because of a guest?
Ann: What guest?
Doctor: John invites a friend home.
Ann: Oh, Graham. No, I didn't talk about it with him. In fact, it was quite interesting. I thought Graham was a...well, like John, you know? I mean, he said they went to school together, so I thought there were many drunken stories and secret club activities. But he is dressed like this...This kind of personality, I mean, he is a little pretentious, but it's okay, you know?
Doctor: Is he still in your house?
Ann: No, he moved out last week.
Doctor: Do you think he is attractive?
Ann: What do you mean, body?
Doctor: Let me ask you again. Are you attractive to him?
Ann (thinking about it): I guess so, but not because of the way he looks at me or something else. He's just so different, and there is a sense of freshness in talking with him. I'm just tired of talking to other couples about whether they buy a station wagon, you know? This is boring. I don't know, he is just different. He is sincere and sincere, I like this very much, and I feel very comfortable with him. (Pause) After he moved out, I dreamed that he would sign a contract to rent our room.
Cynthia (voice enters early): Where did he come from?

19. The interior, Cynthia Bishop's apartment during the day
Ann looked at dressing up, ready to go to work Cynthia.
Ann: I don't know. He went to middle school here, then lived in New York for a while, then went to Philadelphia, and then traveled everywhere.
Cynthia: It must be interesting. What is he? Is it like John?
Ann: It's not like, it's not like at all. In fact, I think John doesn’t like him anymore. He said he thought Graham had become weird.
Cynthia: Really? Am I saying he is weird?
Ann: No wonder. If I saw him on the street, I might say that. However, after talking... he's just the kind... I don't know, it's extraordinary.
Cynthia: Uh, uh. What does he look like?
Ann: Why do you ask this?
Cynthia: I just want to know what he looks like.
Ann: Why? Go chasing him?
Cynthia: God, Ann, don't be so serious. I just asked what he looked like.
Ann said nothing.
Cynthia: Besides, even if I want to spend the night with him, what is your business?
Ann: Do you have to say this?
Cynthia: What are you talking about?
Ann: You know what it is. You want to anger me.
Cynthia: It's just a description.
Ann: However, he gave me the impression that he is not a good person for that kind of thing.
Cynthia: Ann, you always underestimate me.
Ann: Well, I want to know why.
Cynthia: I think you are afraid of us being together. You are afraid that he will be overwhelmed when he sees me.
Ann: Oh, my god. Really, Cynthia, really, I don't think he is your type.
Cynthia: "I am this type"? Bullshit! How do you know which type I like?
Ann: I know it in my heart.
Cynthia: Ann, you have no basis. You see, I don't even know why we are discussing this kind of thing, I just have to call him.
Ann: He doesn't have a phone.
Cynthia: Well, then I will fight when he is settled.
Ann: But he will not be at ease.
Cynthia: What are you talking about?
Ann: He doesn't have a phone. He doesn't like talking on the phone.
Cynthia: Oh, please. Well then, give me the address of the Zen master, and I will find a reason to stop nearby.
Ann: Let me say hello to him first.
Cynthia: Why? Just give me his address, you don't have to intervene.
Ann: I don't think it would be appropriate to give you the address and let you find it, and...
Cynthia: And what?
Ann: And...you should do what you should do.
Cynthia laughed loudly. Ann was very unhappy, watching her rummaging in the jewelry box.
Ann: Did you lose something?
Cynthia: That damn diamond earring that cost me a lot of money.
Ann: Mom's birthday, what are you going to buy for her?
Cynthia: I don't know, I want to buy a greeting card or something.
Ann: A greeting card? Congratulations on her 50th birthday?
Cynthia: Is there something wrong?
Ann: Don't you think she deserves more reward than a greeting card? I mean, she gave birth to you in October. This is her 50th birthday...
Cynthia: Can you stop talking? God.
Ann: I just think it should be...
Cynthia: Okay, Ann, okay. Well, if you buy her a good present, I will pay half of it. Okay?
Cynthia: Very good. Please forgive me for my absence, I have to go to work.

20. The interior, doctors' offices, day
Ann: I think perhaps do not have to continue treatment.
Doctor: How come you have such an idea?
Ann: I have been thinking about it for a while, and then I talked with a very insightful person.
Doctor (smiling): I think that person is me. Who on earth did you talk to?
Ann: The person I told you is called Graham. He said that taking the advice of people who are not close to you would... Anyway, he said a lot.
The doctor sighed and thought for a moment.
Doctor: Ann, in your life you have to keep a clear head for obscure purposes. Have you ever thought that Graham doesn't want you to continue treatment for his own purpose?
Ann: What do you mean? I do not understand.
Doctor: Maybe Graham has some ulterior motives, and he doesn't like psychotherapy and psychologists. Maybe he has problems he doesn't want to solve, and he hopes that others, such as you, are as addicted to their situation as he is. Do you think it is possible?
Ann: I think so.
Doctor: Do you know when you don't want to be treated?
Ann: I know.
Doctor: Do you know that I have no obligation to you?
Ann: I know.
Doctor: Don't you want to be treated anymore?
Ann: I'm not sure.
Doctor: Do you think there may be a lot of progress?
Ann: Yes.
Doctor: I am glad you have this feeling, because I also have this feeling.
Ann: But even though you feel this way, you have no ulterior motives, right?
The doctor laughed. Ann didn't smile.

21. Interior view, Graham's apartment,
with an 8mm camera on the TV monitor during the day . Graham sat naked in a chair covered with sheets, facing the screen. He is watching a video. This is a film about a girl's sexual experience with his own commentary. The film was shot with a hand-held camera, and the lens was close to the characters. As the questions became more and more detailed, Graham became more and more sexual.
There was a knock on the door. He calmly turned off the camcorder, stood up, and wrapped the sheets around him.
Graham: The door is open.
Graham went into the bedroom and put on clothes. Ann opened the door and walked in.
Ann: Hello.
Graham (voice-over): Hello.
Ann: What are you doing?
Graham (voice-over): It's nothing, you can do it later.
Ann (looks at it): I just want to see what this place looks like with furniture.
Graham (voice-over): I'm afraid there is nothing pretty. I like the room to be empty.
Ann: I imagined books. I think you have many books here, and you have been reading them.
Graham is reading a book.
Graham: I did read a lot of books, but they were all borrowed from the library and they have been returned.
Graham picked up a "Diary of Animas Nien", opened it, and let Ann read the library book card inside.
Graham: It's cheaper, and it doesn't take up the room.
Ann walked to the table while the video recorder was still on. Graham watched her closely. She looked into a large box containing an 8mm video tape. Labels are attached to both sides of the belt, such as: Donna/December 11, 1986/l: 07:36 and so on. There are thirty or forty straps in total.
Ann: What are these?
Graham: Video tape.
Ann (smiling): I can see it. About what?
Graham (takes a breath): Private research I conducted.
Ann: What kind of private research?
Graham: It's like other people's private research. It's just that mine is more personal.
Ann: Who is Donna?
Graham: Donna?
Ann: Donna. "Donna" is written on this tape.
Graham (thinking): Donna is a girl I met in Florida.
Ann: Are you dating her?
Graham: I can't talk about it.
Ann looked into the box again.
Ann: Why are the girls' names on these straps?
Graham thought for a while.
Graham: Because I am more interested in interviewing women than men.
Ann: Are these all interviews?
Graham: Yes.
Ann: Can I watch a set?
Graham: No way.
Ann: Why?
Graham: Because I promised the interviewees that no one would be allowed to watch it except me.
Ann stared at Graham for a long time, then turned to look at the strap.
Ann: These...what is the content of these interviews?
Graham: These... these interviews are about sex, Ann.
Ann: About sex?
Graham: Yes.
Ann: Which aspect?
Graham: All aspects.
Ann: For example?
Graham: For example, what they have done, what they do, what they don't do, what they want to do but dare not do, others want them to do what they don't want to do. Anything I can think of.
Ann: Are you just asking questions?
Graham: Yes.
Ann: Are they just answering?
Graham: Most of it is. Sometimes they demonstrate.
Ann: Demonstrate with you.
Graham: No, it's not with me, it's a demonstration for me, it's a demonstration for the camera.
Ann (bewildered): I don't... why... why are you doing this?
Graham: I'm sorry to mention this.
Ann: It's just...too...
Graham: Maybe you want to go.
Ann: Yes, I want to go.
Ann nodded and walked towards the door silently. Before leaving, she looked at Graham again in confusion.

22. The interior, John and Ann Milani home during the day and
security in the call to Cynthia.
An (disturbed): I don't... he doesn't want you to go to him.
Cynthia: He doesn't want me to go? What do you mean? Did you say anything to me?
Ann: Nothing.
Cynthia: Then why?
Ann: Because I failed to convince him.
Cynthia: Why on earth?
Ann: Because, Cynthia, John is right. Graham is weird. Very weird. Don't get involved with him.
Cynthia: What happened? Did he seduce you?
Ann: No!
Cynthia: What the hell is going on? Why the hell suddenly said he was "weird"? Is he just a drowned dog or something?
Ann: No, that's not the case.
Cynthia: What is that? Is he a dangerous person?
Ann: No, he is not dangerous. Not physiologically.
Cynthia: So what is it?
Ann: I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Cynthia: Then why did you call me?
Ann: I don't know.
Ann hung up the phone.

23. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment,
Cynthia walks out of the bathroom during the day . The phone rang. She wrapped a bath towel and picked up the microphone.
Cynthia: Hello?
John: Cynthia, this is John.
Cynthia: Not today. I have something else.
John: Oh. (Pause) When is that?
Cynthia: How about asking me over for dinner?
John: You know what I mean.
Cynthia: Yes, I understand what you mean.
Cynthia hung up the phone.

24. Interior view, Graham's apartment,
Graham sits and smokes during the day . There was a knock on the door.
Graham: The door is unlocked.
Cynthia walked in. Graham looked up at her.
Graham: Who are you?
Cynthia: This is Cynthia Bishop.
Graham: Do I know you?
Cynthia: I'm Ann Milani's sister.
Graham: The extroverted one.
Cynthia (smiling): She must be in a good mood when she said I was outgoing. She always said that I was "attractive."
Graham: She told you that. What can I do?
Cynthia: Do you want me to leave?
Graham: I just want to know your intentions.
Cynthia: Well, as I just said, Ann is my sister. Conversation between sisters. You can imagine others.
Graham: No, I really can't imagine. I find it helpful not to comment on people I don’t know and conversations I haven’t heard. I don't know what you told your sister about me or anything else. The last time I saw Ann, when she left, she was... panicked, I want to say, and upset.
Cynthia: She is still like that.
Graham: I upset her, so you come and scold me, don't you?
Cynthia: No.
Graham: Didn't she tell you why she was upset?
Cynthia: No.
Graham: She didn't give you my address?
Cynthia: No.
Graham: Then how did you find me?
Cynthia: I, uh, have a friend in the power company.
Graham: I don't understand. Why do you want to come here? I mean, I don't believe that Ann would portray me so cute.
Cynthia: Well, when it comes to men, I don't totally listen to her. I mean, look at John, God, oh, you went to school with him, didn't you? You may be friends or something.
Graham: No. I think this man is a liar.
Cynthia (smiling): I think you read it right. Come on, I'm here this time to find out why Ann was frightened. Tell me what happened.
Graham (smiling): Terrified?
He gestured to Cynthia for the cassette box.
Graham: That videotape is what "scares" Ann.
Cynthia walked to the box, looked inside for a long time, pondering the labels.
Cynthia: Ah, I see.
Graham: What do you know?
Cynthia: Well, these straps must be sex-related, because Ann was made abnormal by fucking sex. Are they recording you having relationships with these girls or something else?
Graham: Not exactly.
Cynthia: So, it's or it's not. Is it right?
Graham: Why don't you let me record it for you?
Cynthia: What are you doing?
Graham: Talk.
Cynthia: What are you talking about?
Graham: Sex. Your sexual history, your sexual experience.
Cynthia: Why do you think I will talk to you about this?
Graham: Nothing.
Cynthia: You just want to ask me questions?
Graham: I just want to ask you questions.
Cynthia: Nothing else?
Graham: Nothing else.
Cynthia (with a wicked smile): This is how you achieve sexual initiation or something else? Filming women talking about their sexual experiences?
Graham: Yes.
Cynthia: Will anyone else see the tape?
Graham: Absolutely not, it's just me watching.
Cynthia: How do we start?
Graham: I turn on the camera and you start talking.
Cynthia: And you are here to ask questions, right?
Graham: Yes.
Cynthia: How long will it take?
Graham: It depends on you. It took only 3 minutes for one woman, and 3 two-hour videotapes for the other.
Cynthia: Can I take a look at other straps for reference?
Graham: No way.
Cynthia (thinking about it): I sit down or stand up!
Graham: Whatever you like.
Cynthia: I would rather sit down. are you ready?
Graham: Wait a minute.
Graham grabbed his 8mm camera, put in a new box of tape, and started the machine.
Graham: I started recording. Tell me your name.
Cynthia: Cynthia Patricy Bishop.
Graham: Tell me about your first sexual experience.
Cynthia: Is my first sexual experience or my first sexual intercourse?
Graham: The first sexual experience.
Cynthia (thinkingly): I was... 8 years old. Michael Green, also 8 years old. He asked if I could watch me pee. I said, if he let me see, I let him see. He said okay, so we went to the small woods behind the house. I have a feeling that he wants to escape because he keeps saying, "Ms. Eugenics!" So I took off my panties and peeed. Before I finished it, he had already escaped.
Graham: Is this a topic of conversation between the two of you in the future?
Cynthia: No. He stayed away from me all summer vacation, and then his family moved out. Moved to Cleveland.
Graham: What a pity. So when did you finally see the penis?
Cynthia: When I was 14 years old.
Graham: Is it in real life, or in pictures or movies?
Cynthia: In real life.
Graham: What did you think? Is it the same as you expected?
Cynthia: Not exactly the same. I didn't think of it with blood vessels, bumps, or anything else. I think it is smooth, like a test tube.
Graham: Are you disappointed?
Cynthia: No. I watched it for a while and it became more interesting. It has characteristics, do you know?
Graham: When did you touch it? How do you think it should feel? What is the real feeling?
Cynthia: It's hotter than expected, and the skin is softer than it looks. It is mysterious and incredible. Now that I think about it, this organ itself is like an independent thing, an independent whole to me. I mean, after he pulled it out, I could see it, touch it, and I completely forgot that there was a guy attached to it. It is no exaggeration to say that now I still remember when this guy talked to me, I was startled.
Graham: What did he say?
Cynthia: He said that my hands feel good.
Graham: What happened next?
Cynthia: Then I started to move my hands, and he stopped talking.

25. Interior view, Graham's apartment, daytime
Cynthia adjusted her clothes, opened the door and left. She seemed very excited. She and Graham did not speak or touch.

26. Interior view, law firm, during the day
John Milani picked up the phone and pressed the button that was shining.
John: This is John Milani.
Cynthia: I want to see you.
John: When?
Cynthia: Right now.
John: God! I don't know if I can walk away. I have made a party wait. Asking too many people to wait will cause me trouble.
Cynthia: Let those nonsense go to hell. Move your butt here.
She hung up the phone. John thought for a while, then pressed the button of the intercom.
John: Janet, set another time with Kirkland to see if he can come on Friday. To put it mildly, tell him something is urgent. I went out through the back door.

27. Interior view, Graham's apartment.
Graham was watching Cynthia's video tape during the day , and he became excited.
Cynthia (voice on videotape): Do you want me to take off my pants?
Graham (voice on videotape): If you want. (Pause) You are not wearing underwear.
Cynthia (voice on videotape): Do you like the way I look?
Graham (voice on video tape): I like it.
Cynthia (voice on videotape): Do you think I'm pretty?
Graham (voice on videotape): Pretty.
Cynthia (voice on videotape): Bian is more beautiful?
Graham (voice on videotape): It's different from her.

28. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment,
Cynthia and John are having sex during the day .
Cynthia (the voice on the tape continues, to Graham): John doesn't have sex with Ann anymore.
Graham (voice on the videotape continues): Did he tell you?
Cynthia (voice on the videotape continues): He doesn't need to tell me.
Cynthia reached a strong orgasm and she slid off John in sweat.
John: God, you are as passionate as you today.
Cynthia smiled.
Cynthia: Yeah, you can go now.
Doctor (voice enters early): If you don't talk to me, I can't help you.
There was a moment of silence. John began to dress. Cynthia lay on the bed with her eyes closed, her expression peaceful.
Ann (voice enters in advance): I hate my sister.

29. Interior view, doctor's office,
doctor during the day : Why?
Ann (incoherently): Because all she thinks about is the man she is after. I just hate her, she is a little bitch. I thought this way when I was in high school, and I still think so. Why are people so obsessed with sex? What's this great event? I mean, sex is nothing, nothing else, but I don’t understand. Why is it like that when people let it control themselves and their lives?

30. Interior view, John and Ann Milani's house, night
bed, Ann lying next to John, not asleep. John slept soundly.
Doctor (voice continued): There are many things that can affect and control a person's life, both good and bad. Faith, greed, charity, drugs.
Ann (voice continued): I know. But this... I just feel like everyone I know now is fascinated by sex.
Ann looked at John. She slowly shrank into the quilt and grabbed his penis. He didn't wake up, turned over and turned his back to her. She turned around and looked at the ceiling.
Ann (voice continued): I think, except for John.

31. Interior, John and Ann Milani home during the day and
security in the call to Cynthia. She looked melancholy.
Cynthia: He only asked me some questions.
Ann: What kind of problems?
Cynthia: The question of sex.
Ann: Hey, what did he ask?
Cynthia: Well, like... I really don't want to tell you.
Ann: Oh, so you asked a stranger to record your sex life without telling your sister?
Cynthia: This is obvious.
Ann: Did he let you undress?
Cynthia: Did he let me undress? No.
Ann: Have you taken off your clothes?
Cynthia: Take it off.
Ann (knocking on the floor): Cynthia!
Cynthia: What's the matter! ?
Ann: Why did you do this?
Cynthia: Because I want to do it.
Ann: But why do you want to do it?
Cynthia: I want him to watch me.
Ann: Cynthia, do you know where that tape might go? He might... get it on a satellite or something. Old perverts in South America might see it.
Cynthia: He wouldn't do that.
Ann: You are not sure.
Cynthia: Then it’s too late now, isn’t it?
Ann: Has he touched you?
Cynthia: No. But I touched it.
Ann: Did you touch him?
Cynthia: No. I touched myself.
Ann: Wait a minute. You mean... don't tell me you... in front of him.
Cynthia: In front of him, Ann, yes.
Ann (seriously): You are in trouble.
Cynthia (laughing): Listen to you! ! Your tone is really like mom, what are you talking about?
Ann (injured): I can't believe you did that! !
Cynthia: Why?
Ann: I mean, I'm not even embarrassed to do it in front of John.
Cynthia: You can't do that, it's impossible.
Ann: You know what I mean. You don't even know him yet!
Cynthia: I feel I know him.
Ann: But that doesn't mean you know each other. You shouldn't believe him, he is...sexually perverted.
Cynthia: He is harmless. He just sat beside and looked at these straps. What great event?
Ann: So he let the women who were videotaped touch themselves? Doesn't that make you feel weird?
Cynthia: No. I don't think they all did what I did.
Ann: Then your trouble will be even greater.
Cynthia: Ann, I really don't understand why this incident made you so abnormal. You didn't do it again, I did it. I'm not worried, so why should you worry?
Ann: I don't want to discuss.
Cynthia: Then why do you keep asking?

32. Interior view, bar,
there are not many people here during the day. Cynthia pours beer to a customer. He put the money on the counter and looked at her.
Customer (imitating Marlon Brando's tone): Are you an assassin?
Cynthia: What did you say?
Customer (still in Brando's tone): You are an errand... the grocery store owner sent you... to collect the bills.
An carrying a bag, walked into the bar.
Customer (to Cynthia): Brando, it's Brando. come.
Cynthia: It's wonderful. Disappointed.
Cynthia walked over to see Ann.
Ann: I really hope you have an answering phone.
Cynthia: There is a phone call here.
Ann: Can't get through.
Ann opened her bag, revealing a beautiful sundress.
Cynthia: What is it?
Ann: Sun skirt.
Cynthia: Like a tablecloth.
Ann: But it is not a tablecloth.
Cynthia: Why does she want a sundress? She has spots on her shoulders and varicose veins.
Ann: One day you will be the same.
Cynthia: Yes, wait for me sometimes I never wear a sundress.
The phone in the bar rang.
Ann: I just want to...
Cynthia: Wait a moment.
Cynthia walked to the other end of the bar to answer the phone. The customer watched her pass by. Then he turned around, looking at Ann, looking at her up and down. He saw the gift.
Customer: Beautiful skirt.
Ann didn't make a difference.
Customer: Would you like to hear about my Walter Matthew? you will like it. (Imitating Matthew's tone) "Fefelix, who are you, are you crazy?" (Return to normal) Not bad, eh?
Cynthia picked up the phone.
Cynthia: Hello!
John: Cynthia, this is John.
Cynthia: Hello, Ya Hao on the phone. Your wife is here, do you want to call her?
John: Where is she? What is she doing here?
Cynthia: She came to ask me to see the present we bought for your mother-in-law.
John: Oh. When can I see you?
Cynthia: I don't know. I don't know if I can rekindle the enthusiasm that day.
John: It's always right to try.
Cynthia: I don't think my sister would agree.
John: Do you want me to put down the phone?
Cynthia: Come on, I'll call you later, okay?
Cynthia hung up the phone and went back to Ann.
Cynthia: How much should I spend on a skirt?
Ann: 32 dollars.
Cynthia took out 35 yuan from her jeans bag and watched Ann put the money away.
Cynthia: Look, don't worry about the skirt, I know she will like it.
Customer (to Ann and Cynthia): Hello! How about Tom Brook? No one can imitate Brooke, "Now in Iran..."

33. This scene was deleted when filming

34. Interior view, Graham's apartment,
Graham was sitting and reading during the day . There was a knock on the door.
Graham: The door is unlocked.
Cynthia walked in anxiously.
Graham put down the book, looked at her for a while, and took a deep breath of cigarette.
Cynthia: Look, I'm just here to tell you why I'm here, okay?
Graham: Okay.
Cynthia: I want to record another tape.
Graham thought for a while.
Graham: No way.
Cynthia: Why? One more plate won’t work?
Graham: Sorry, I never record the second set.
Cynthia: Can't we discuss it?
Graham: No way. You can find someone else.
Cynthia: Who can record for me on earth?
Graham: I know there are many men in the city who are willing to do it.
Cynthia: But I want you to record it. I want to find the right way to ask a question. I can make a joke with him and record it with someone who feels safe. You are the best candidate.
Graham: Oh, well, I accept. Cynthia, don't you understand? After recording it once, everything becomes unnatural, and it's endless. Look at these videotapes, there is only one date on each label. I have never recorded it twice for anyone.
Cynthia: Make an exception.
Graham: No way.
Cynthia: How about you re-recording on the disc we recorded? You can use the same date or another tape. Who would know?
Graham: I will.
Cynthia: So, what should I do?
Graham: Cynthia, I don't know.
Cynthia: I really don't believe you will do this after I let you video.
Graham: I'm sorry, I can't.
Cynthia: Damn it! Then give me my belt.
Graham: No way.
Cynthia walked to the box containing the videotape. Graham jumped up to stop her.
Cynthia (turning through the box): This is my fucking belt, you shit.
Graham grabbed her wrist.
Graham (irritated): No! ! ! I told you the rules of shooting, and you agree. This is my belt, I can see and touch, no one else can do it.
Cynthia and Graham stared at each other for a long time.
Graham: Please go, I ask you to go now.
Cynthia looked at him.
Cynthia: Of course, all right.
She left.

35. Interior view, John and Ann Milani's house, Ye
John and Ann are lying on the bed. The light has gone out. John was sleepy, but Ann couldn't fall asleep. John rolled over and put his arm around Ann. She got up and got out of bed and sat down on the opposite chair.
Ann: John?
John: Well...
Ann: I called you at 3:30 on Tuesday afternoon and they said you were not here. Do you remember where you went?
Cut to:

36. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment,
John and Cynthia kissing on Cynthia’s bed during the day . On the floor, John's watch points to 3:11.
Cut back to:

37. Interior, John and Ann Milani’s house, Night
John: Tuesday. I am late for lunch.
Ann: Did you see the note asking you to call me when you went back?
Cut to:

38. Exterior scene, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment.
John left Cynthia’s apartment during the day and drove straight home. He greeted An as he walked in the front door.
Cut back to:

39. Interior, John and Ann Milani’s house, Ye
John: I saw it. But I am very busy.
Ann: It's funny because I didn't keep a note.
John wakes up a bit.
John: Maybe I saw the old one. You know, there are so many on my table.
Ann: Who did you have lunch with?
John: I am alone.
John: Is there something wrong?
Ann: Have you had an affair?
John: God, where do you start? I had an affair when I had lunch by myself?
Ann: Hello, do you have one?
John: No, I don't. Honestly speaking, what wrong did I make that I should be condemned by you?
Ann: If I am not mistaken, I want to know. I don't want you to lie. I will be very sad. But if I find you lying, I will be more sad.
John: Ann, don't be suspicious.
Ann: If you withdraw the lie, I can hardly describe how sad I will be.
John: Ann, you are totally paranoid. I wanted to have sex with you ten minutes ago. This is the first time in these few weeks, but you behaved like I was stinky. You know, many women want to have a young, strong man in their bed.
Ann: My sister is one of them. Is it her?
John: For God's sake, Ann, I didn't fuck with your sister, and I didn't find her attractive to me.
Ann: Say this to comfort me?
John: I'm just talking, do you know? I didn't become a paranoid when you refused to have sex. I can easily think that you don't want to have sex because you have an affair.
Ann: But I don't have one.
John: Me neither! ! !
Ann: Why don't I believe you?
John: You see, this conversation is utterly absurd. Maybe when you have evidence, we can talk, but don't guess.
Ann: What a lawyer.
John: Damn, I agree. I mean, can you imagine: "Your Excellency, I am sure this man is guilty. I can't prove that he was at the scene of the crime and his purpose, but I really have a strong feeling."
Ann: Your meaning is very clear. .
John: I'm sorry, it's just... Kirkland's case gave me a lot of pressure. This is the first big case since I became a partner. I work all day, and I want to see you when I come home, but... I feel so uncomfortable to be blamed by you.
pause. He breathed a sigh of relief.
Ann: I'm sorry too. I... I have these thoughts in my mind, you know, I have nothing to do all day, sitting east and west, making up these weird stories, and then I want to believe all this so that I don’t feel wasted. It took a day. I was convinced last week that you had a relationship with Cynthia, and now I don’t understand why I think so.
John: I don't understand either. I mean, Cynthia, among all the people, she is so...
Ann: It's windy.
John: Exactly. God, trust me.
Ann: I didn't say that it was reasoning, I just said I was convinced.
John: Doesn't the psychotherapy help you at all?
Ann: I don't know. Sometimes I feel that there are still children in the world starving, but I am nagging myself about these trivial matters, which is really stupid and boring.
John: Stopping your psychotherapy will not feed Ethiopian children.
Ann: I know.
Ann: You never said "do" before.

40. This scene was deleted during shooting.

41. Interior view, Cynthia Bishop’s apartment.
John sits by Cynthia’s bed during the day , slowly undressing.
John: Obviously too stupid. I can't believe you did that kind of thing.
Cynthia: What's stupid?
John: Exactly... you don't know that person at all.
Cynthia: But you know him, he is your friend. Do you think he is credible?
John: Shit. After you told me, I couldn't tell. As soon as I saw him dressed as a dealer, I should know.
Cynthia: I like his clothes.
John: What if this tape gets into the wrong hands?
Cynthia: "In the hands of the bad guys"? We didn't talk about military secrets, John. It was just a video tape taken by him. He can sit down and watch the belt and be satisfied.
John: God! Doesn't he have sex with any of them? Are they just talking?
Cynthia: Yes.
John: God. If he has sex with these people, I seem to understand it, it seems. But why didn't he buy some magazines or watch pornographic movies?
Cynthia: It's no use. He has to understand people, he has to be able to communicate with them.
John: Communication, ok, but do you have to masturbate in front of him? For the sake of God, I mean...
Cynthia: I want to do it, so what? Damn it, you and Ann treat it as a big deal.
John: Did you tell Ann about this?
Cynthia: Of course. She is my sister. I told her almost everything.
John: I hope you didn't tell her.
Cynthia: Why not?
John: I would rather keep her in the dark.
Cynthia: She is an adult and understands.
John: I just...Ann is very...
Cynthia: Orthodox.
John: You are too unwise. What documents did you sign or what contract did he have with you to guarantee that he would not spread these tapes?
Cynthia: No.
John: Did you realize that you no longer have legal recourse? This thing may spread anywhere.
Cynthia: No. I trust him,
John (in disbelief): You trust him.
Cynthia: Yeah, I trust him. Much better than fucking trusting you.
John: What do you mean?
Cynthia: That's what I just said. I would rather trust him first, then trust you. Do you want me to make it clearer?
John: It hurts my heart to say that.
Cynthia (laughing): Oh, please don't be sad. Forget it, John, you're fucking with your wife's sister, but you haven't been married for less than a year. You are a liar. At least I know you are a liar. Those who don't know, like Ann, should watch out for you.
John: You must have lied to Ann too.
Cynthia: Exactly. But I never vowed to be "loyal" to my sister in front of God and everyone.
John: Look at you, can we still do it?
Cynthia: Of course not. I changed my mind. I really shouldn't call.
John (flatteringly): But, I'm already here. I want to do something...
Cynthia: How about cleaning up the living room?
John didn't laugh.
Cynthia: Forget it, John. You should be happy. We haven't noticed after we have been working for so long. I feel very comfortable doing this with you. You go. I would like to see you eat at home one day.
John: Did he encourage you to do this?
Cynthia: Who?
John: Graham.
Cynthia: No. He did not encourage me to do this. God, I don't need anyone to tell me what to do. I just figured it out recently. that's all.
John: It's unbelievable that I let him live in my house. Right under the tip of my nose. I didn't even see that perverted cock is under the tip of my nose.
Cynthia: If he was under your body, you must have spotted it a long time ago.
John (look at her): God, you...you are so mean.
Cynthia: I know. Please leave now, okay?
John: Maybe I don't want to go. Maybe I want to talk.
Cynthia: John, we have nothing to talk about.
John: I know this, I have known it a long time ago. The situation has become complicated.
Cynthia: No, John, the situation has become quite simple.

42. Interior, John and Ann Milani home during the day
Ann John wearing overalls (an old cotton shirt, a khaki trousers), she was cleaning the room. She didn't clean like ordinary people, but kept wiping the already clean place in a daze. She repeatedly vacuumed on the same carpet with a vacuum cleaner. Suddenly, something stuck to the suction mouth of the vacuum cleaner and made a lot of noise. Ann turned off the switch, turned the vacuum cleaner over, and saw Cynthia's diamond earrings stuck on the brush. Ann looked at Cynthia's earrings for a long time.
Cut to:
After having sex with John, Cynthia picked up the clothes from the bed. The earrings slid out of the pocket and bounced under the bed.
Cut back:
Ann puts the earring on the floor and smashes it hard with the bottom of the hourglass, trying to smash it. She soon realized that smashing the diamond was just a waste of effort.
Ann looked down and realized that he was wearing John's clothes. Like these clothes burning her skin, she ripped off her shirt and pants frantically. The ripped button rolled on the floor. Ann wore only a bra and shorts, folded her arms around her knees, and sat in the middle of the bedroom floor.

43. The location, John and Ann Milani home during the day
Ann was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, stumbled walked toward the car. As soon as she got in the car, she inserted the key into the keyhole and stuck one end on the steering wheel.

44. The location, Graham's apa

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Extended Reading
  • Guiseppe 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    I've been revisiting old films these days. Soderbergh's debut, which won the Palme d'Or in one fell swoop, is not a vain reputation. The film has a lot of dialogue, and the style is a bit like Rohmer's film. In terms of the use of lenses, including scene transitions or transitions, the film uses a lot of methods of parallel montage and separation of sound and picture that are different from the conventional ones. The reflection on the image has also become the unique innovation of this work.

  • Jennings 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Revisit! It is a movie that has influenced the three views. Re-watching it after more than ten years is still surprising Soderbergh's excellent script creation. The four protagonists represent four types of confused modern people, and the themes around sex and lies are displayed again. Rare delicacy and depth, uniquely added to the modern tool of video tape, switching back and forth between video and real scenes, similar to those characters played by Spader in Cronenberg's films

Sex, Lies, and Videotape quotes

  • [John said he wasn't fucking Cynthia]

    Ann: You never used to say the word "fucking."

  • [Accepting John's claim that he's not cheating on her]

    Ann: I've just got all this time on my hands, and I just sit around and start inventing these, like, intricate scenarios...


    Ann: And then I don't want to have wasted all my time, so I want to believe in them.