Master of Color Matching-Almodovar

Santino 2021-12-28 08:02:09

Almodovar has always been known for his bold and magnificent colors in movies. In this "Pain and Glory", he also played with colors. First of all, it really surprised me at the beginning. It should be the most impressive I have ever seen. An artistic movie title. All the backgrounds related to the production staff are dynamic color pictures like overturned paint buckets. Remember the mobile phone live wallpapers that were popular back then, like melted lollipop syrup and sweet chocolate sauce. Amazing is amazing, but after watching the movie, I discovered that these colors are not irregularly colored or blindly colored by computer digital synthesis. In fact, they are quite particular. The titles are mainly divided into red-purple series, red-black series, red-yellow-blue series, red-blue series, red-green series, yellow-green series, yellow-grey series and blue-white series. The main colors of these color series actually constitute the back The color motif of each section of the film. For example, when a family moves to a cellar to live in, the film forms a blue and white color scheme with the sky, while the director’s shots in some rooms in his home are mainly red and blue, so , The costumes of all the characters in the movie are all matched and designed according to the patterns and colors of these colors in the photo header, forming a certain response, including various props. Here are some summaries.

Blue and white
Red purple
Orange black
Red yellow blue gray
Red and blue
Red green
Dark green
Light yellow green
Dark yellow gray
Light yellow gray

I can only feel that the artist has also spent a lot of skill, of course, Almodovar's color sensitivity is also very strong, after all, it was out of art at the beginning. The different color schemes of each part penetrate into the bits and pieces presented by the lens, which are not only the reflection of the deep psychological state intertwined with the memory and the truth, but also the pain and glory of today, and it also adds a unique charm to his movies. And connotation, in this point, it is very similar to Wes Anderson.

In Almodovar's recent films, color relations have been used particularly maturely, and research on this aspect can be carried out.

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Pain and Glory quotes

  • Mercedes: You're invited to give a talk in Iceland. It's well paid.

    Salvador Mallo: I don't understand why they like me so much in Iceland.

    Mercedes: Neither do I.

  • Salvador Mallo: She wanted to die in the village. And I'd promised to take her there. The poor thing died in the ICU of a hospital, alone.