Tell me what you don't like about yourself?

Madilyn 2021-12-24 08:01:17

After watching the first season of "Prison Break", I didn't look back and lost interest.
"Nip/tuck" has been watching the fourth season.
To be honest, I bought this series because of its "pornographic, violent, perverted" descriptions.
But after watching a few episodes, I was deeply attracted by the characters in him. The reason I like this show the most is that it is a little desperate, how desperate-I can't find a good person in it! I can't find a so-called "hero" that is common in mainstream movies and can be used as a benchmark for my own life.
But Han Xin realized afterwards: The dark side shown in everyone in it seems that I can find something in common in myself:
Sean is enterprising, stable, and family-oriented, but God’s reward for him is an unfaithful wife, not A biological son, and a super rebellious daughter (in the fourth episode of the episode there are future scenes that appear many years later, and that ending is absolutely logical). When we encounter this betrayal in reality, what should we do? Sean and I have gone through the course of revenge and forgiveness time and time again.
Christan (I don't know if you spell it right), dressed well, GUCCI, famous cars, focus on the image, is a heartthrob, put it vulgarly: It can be said that there is no woman he wants to get on. But such a character that many of our men admire the most, after being drunk in the daytime, facing the loneliness like an abyss.
There are many places that can resonate.
At the end of the last episode of the fourth season, all the main characters in the play flashed back on the screen like a motion scene. I found that everyone seemed to be settled a lot, and I didn't want to be so frustrated at the beginning. But they all have one thing in common. They are still unhappy, very unhappy.
So after so many struggles and tribulations, why is the ending given to us by the heavens, because "this is life".

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Nip/Tuck quotes

  • Kimberly Henry: FYI, I met some movie producers who think I'm the bomb. They can't wait to get into the Kimber Henry business.

  • Gina Russo: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.

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