Nip/Tuck plastic surgery room has to say the flaws

Sadye 2021-12-24 08:01:17

The plastic surgery room personally thinks that the first two seasons are very exciting, but in the third season, all the plot settings of Dr. Quentin Costa involving bisexual are very inconsistent and confused.
For example, Quentin and Sean once went to a party for college students, and two girls gave them blow jobs. However, when Quentin went to the police station for investigation, he suddenly disappeared from penis and became a yin and yang person, so it was used as favorable evidence to clear the crime. Suspect, I really don't know if the girl at the university party is stupid or the screenwriter is stupid.
For another example, when Quentin, Chirstian, Kimber and the female police officer (can't remember their name) played 4P in the Christian apartment, Quentin and Fu Ming had already had sex with the female police officer, and by the end of the third, they suddenly became brothers and sisters. , And Quentin also carved her, she shot Quentin again, and then fled with suspended animation.
It’s really dizzy, but many American dramas are one screenwriter and director in one episode. Although they often work together in office, they are not as rigorous as a screenwriter’s participation. few……

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Nip/Tuck quotes

  • Kimberly Henry: FYI, I met some movie producers who think I'm the bomb. They can't wait to get into the Kimber Henry business.

  • Gina Russo: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.

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