It's a pity not to watch

Kole 2021-12-24 08:01:17

After two seasons, I can’t understand how this year’s ratings will lose to LOST. These days, there are not many episodes that allow people to watch four consecutive episodes in one night.
The content, bloody, and exposure levels have all reached the limit of TV works, so it’s also IIB-level in theaters.
It is strongly recommended that people who want to do all kinds of plastic surgery first watch this film and confirm that the type of surgery they want to perform has appeared in this film. The evaluation of Dr. Sean shall prevail. The evaluation of Dr. Troy is for reference only.

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Nip/Tuck quotes

  • Kimberly Henry: FYI, I met some movie producers who think I'm the bomb. They can't wait to get into the Kimber Henry business.

  • Gina Russo: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.

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