[Plastic surgery room] Random talk

Fiona 2021-12-24 08:01:17

Can we be more world-weary?
What I want to say at the beginning is a sentence that many people are familiar with, which is about a hundred Hamlet. Since Little Mouse has creatively used the philosophical concept of paradox to discuss [24], I think I can also talk about [nip/tuck] more freely, of course, only from my own perspective.
The literal meaning of nip and tuck has nothing to do with "plastic surgery", and what I want to talk about here has nothing to do with plastic surgery. But if you skip this level and look at the things behind it, you will find it very interesting.
First of all, I don't think it is a comedy; secondly, I don't think part of its story has much credibility. But its core is actually closely related to most people, just like a saying that often appears in movies: Most people hate themselves. No one is perfect, so the pursuit of perfection is understandable. It seems to be excusable to have a breast augmentation, a whole nose and a birthmark. However, is the pressure that I can bear for a certain part of the change really as I imagined? Assuming that this change can indeed improve your quality of life, why is the suicide rate higher than the rate of suicide from the data point of view?
This is not intended to be a serious statement in this article. Because a part of the dark humor in the show comes from people who have not succeeded or succeeded in plastic surgery. For example, the fat man who was not accepted by Sean and Christian blasted his head with a shot; another example is the beautiful sister who succeeded in losing weight but saw a big fat man who was completely inconsistent with the photo. This is probably also a paradox in life. We can change the face bestowed by God, but there is no way to change the various consequences caused by such arbitrary actions.
Can plastic surgery really make life better as we wish? Sean has always opposed the idea of ​​his wife Julia, and then Christian has joined the opposition. There may be nothing wrong with the starting point of wishing to become better, but can we fundamentally solve our dilemma? It seems that this is what [nip/tuck] wants to reflect.
The subjects who come for plastic surgery are naturally diverse. The first sentence of the doctor is to ask: Which part of yourself are you dissatisfied with? Then he draws out a prescription, and can just wait happily for the perfect moment to take apart the gauze. With their superb skills, Sean and Christian didn't seem to miss a single operation. Among the high-income occupations in the United States, one is a doctor. It can be seen that the two of them, a happy family and a suave family, are probably God's favorite darlings, but what about their lives?
Look at Christian. I have always felt that since his appearance, it seems that it should be the image of Prince Charming in the minds of many women: handsome, suave, wealthy, personable, good taste, and of course, superb bed skills. But such a man also had a miserable childhood, with hopeful but unattainable love, and in the end he was played hard-he thought he could finally become the dream dad, even set up a family, and be born. 'S child is really a great mockery of him-he has to pay the price for his past behavior in the end. Of course he cannot be said to be a good man, but he also has his own kind, loyal, and upright side; unfortunately, when he decided to change the so-called righteousness, God did not seem to take good care of him. You see, this life is really shit.
Sean's son Matt is desperate for his new girlfriend. What happened? The girl is les, who loves another girl, but can’t satisfy her. She can only ask Matt to play a "threesome" game. She is finally bumped into, and she has to be questioned by her parents, and then she sees how she is loved the most. Betrayed with the most trusted friend. There is no winner in this case, everyone has been hurt, and everyone has a hard time. How is this life happy?
Then there was Sean and Julia's marriage. These two people are in love, but what about love? You have to give up your ideals to raise children for another life. You have to face the attraction of being younger, more handsome and more attractive from the opposite sex, and then inevitably, you see that your once honest husband also has an affair. . Well, these are not miserable enough. The most terrible thing is that he really loves that woman, but that woman is still dead. Julia cried and said, I can't hate a woman who died of cancer at the age of 36. The question is, who can hate?
In fact, the essence of life can be best seen in Julia, even though I don't like this woman. What is life? It needs reconciliation, change, and persistence, but more often, it means sacrifice, tolerance, and depression, whether you like it or not. It’s very interesting that Julia talks about separation or divorce every time, but she is also the one who compromises first. Finally, she ran to the hotel and asked Sean to go home. The family seemed to be happy, but apparently undercurrents were raging-she went to do a paternity test for Matt and Christian. No matter what the final result, no one could see that this woman was undergoing a plastic surgery. The core of the story-how sad and realistic, it makes people unwilling to depress and even angry to come to an end for the time being.
Sean is probably a good man, but that doesn't mean he can't make mistakes. He has been changing himself for better or worse under the influence of the outside world, and then when Megan told him that he should face any real part of himself, he told her that he fell in love with her-at that time he did not think of himself And again and again to reiterate how much he loves his wife, he never thought of his sons and daughters that are more important than his own lives, and never thought of the countless romantic debts owed by Christian, whom he has repeatedly accused. You see, this is the weakness of men, they are fragile and weak, often a small temptation can make them unable to control themselves.
He said he was different from his father. What's the difference? Because his father is not thinking about flowers and asking Liu and he truly fell in love with Megan? I don't know if this excuse is funny or ridiculous. I didn't laugh anyway, and even when I saw him awkwardly explain to my son, I resonated deeply.
Why? Probably this life is too depressing. We are all very tired. So when we saw the straw, we couldn't wait to stretch out our hand for help, regardless of whether it was harmful or not.
Would you resent the third person Megan who inserted into the family of others? No, I will not. Because she is smart, brave, kind, and gentle. She never asks anything, but she says "I want to have sex with the one I love". Her love is innocent. She even made me believe in those seaside hotels. Twilight in here is her and his best memory, she even asked me to secretly pray that the choreographer will eventually let her come with him-so it became a man-made, but quite clean and beautiful disfigurement.
Megan's death may make people feel that this is a series after all, but if you think about their intentions, it is not difficult to understand that Megan is not the trump card to solve the problem between Sean and Julia, and it can't be. She is a kind of condiment in life, even if she is not dead, even if she can be with Sean, no one can guarantee whether there will be a problem between Sean and Julia before-time, this terrible thing. , It will consume a lot of things, condiments can only be condiments. Even if it is really love, wouldn't it be like ashes, scattered into the sea, and then there is no bones?
In fact, the most terrifying thing is the way Megan chooses to die. She let her beloved man sit beside her and watched her end her life. At the end of the cancer, endless chemotherapy, double damage both physically and mentally, it is impossible to save your life in the end. When people are awake, they understand that it is just a futile struggle. But we often do the same thing, why? Maybe it's just to make myself feel at ease, so that when my dearest person finally leaves, secretly say to myself, at least I tried my best. The problem is that your best effort is only from your own standpoint. Are you qualified to make decisions for the person lying in bed? The pain of treatment is not that you are suffering, but the person lying on the bed. So, should the choice between life and death be decided by another party, so that it is more suitable for humanity?
Anyway, I'm a little far away. But Megan's calmness and sobriety is what I like most about her. The difference between them is almost the scene handled best by the choreographer. They were calm and restrained, and did not break out in the end. They even pointed the camera at Sean’s ring—his wedding ring. When he was with Megan, he also changed Has not faded. What does this show? He is going to return to his married life after all.
When Julia heard of all this, she said she was going to break up. Sean finally cried, but what he said was, I can't lose you, too. The reason why I have to type in the original English words is because it is difficult to translate this simple sentence in Chinese. He just lost Megan, and he can't express his sadness in public, even secretly. But a word, a move, for him is a vent as a whole. There is too much meaning in this sentence. It can mean that you have lost a precious person and cannot lose another one. It can also mean that the one who died is important to me but you are equally or even more important. It contains too many pleadings, confession, sorrow, and even a man's retention after letting go of his self-esteem. But is it effective?
From the beginning to the end, Sean seems to be the most active person to retain and improve their marriage. Sometimes I also think that Julia is indeed moved or willing to accept it, but the harmony, completion and happiness of all this is nothing more than On the surface, or is it that we all hope to see or get the similar happiness, but it is our own idiot that dreams are whimsical?
Hey, wake up. Welcome to this real life. We are still alive, the same as we originally hoped, but no one can guarantee or ask me to be more positive and more positive. Life is a shit, why can't we get bored a little bit more, and then just learn Kurt or Ian, take the handle off our heads, or find a rope to hang our necks?
I originally wanted to choose an American TV show for the motivation and fun of my life, but I never expected [plastic surgery room] to be the same as I thought.
Finally, say something that has nothing to do with the topic. I like Sean very much.
very very.

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Nip/Tuck quotes

  • Kimberly Henry: FYI, I met some movie producers who think I'm the bomb. They can't wait to get into the Kimber Henry business.

  • Gina Russo: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.

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