A strange alien

Arturo 2021-12-23 08:01:16

The rhythm at the beginning of the movie is very good, and I don’t know what the aliens want to do after watching the whole movie. The ending is so hasty. Depp’s "Transcendent Hacker", which has the same tunes and equal functions, has a mediocre reputation at the box office, but the thinking on artificial intelligence is advanced. Although the movie is not well presented, Depp plays Will. The love for his wife's willingness to sacrifice until his death is also really touching. It is indeed a love tragedy covered in science fiction. The screenwriter of this film said he wanted to show a love tragedy? ? ? Both her husband and sister were killed by aliens, and in the end she was parasitized. This is indeed a tragedy, and it is also a thriller in which the person on the pillow is the devil. But it's about love. The love tragedy is over at the beginning of the film, and after that it is just the story of the heroine struggling to kill the enemy prince and the enemy prince's child in her stomach. And this alien is too funny, one of the two aliens parasitizes an astronaut, and the wives of the two astronauts both use water and electricity to kill the aliens, one succeeded, the other failed. Is there any difference in alien ability? ? ? There are many details that cannot withstand scrutiny. The movie is worth two stars, and Depp and Theron are worth one star for their looks and acting.

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The Astronaut's Wife quotes

  • Nan: Men are like parking spaces: all the good ones are taken, and the available ones are handicapped.

  • Jillian: He's hiding inside me.