Brain hole wide open~

Melisa 2021-12-23 08:01:16

A movie with great rhythm control, no peeing throughout the whole process. The male protagonist went from the previous paragraph to the affectionate, and slowly became strange after returning, and finally even a little abnormal. The whole transformation was performed appropriately, and he deserves to be Depp. As a desperate housewife, the hostess is also accepting reality step by step in constant doubt and reflection, and finally she has a huge determination to eliminate the alien. If she chooses to die together, will it cause the alien to come out without the host and be electrocuted together? Now that the host can be transferred, where did the alien in his body go after another astronaut died?
Because of the many psychological dramas, the audience has to watch the two protagonists for a long time. Fortunately, the appearance of the two protagonists is superb, and they will never get bored. If Alien uses the radiation of light to deprive the host of consciousness, and obtains his body while preserving his original memory, then there is no need for him to expand the population and power by means of primitive and inefficient reproduction. Such output and waiting time are too long. If the two aliens are the advance squads of their race, shouldn't they launch a large army to invade after successfully infiltrating humans? And if you only need to pass through the light, any person on the earth can be used as a host. Wouldn't it be easy to occupy the earth? Or do they have no intention of invading other planets for their race, just as if they want to change their environment to experience life like traveling? For the alien, his new role is still more fun. You can die and then transfer. Play like this for hundreds of years and thousands of years. If you are homesick, how can you go back and become a light?
The brains are a bit big, and I once again praised the beauty of the two protagonists~

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The Astronaut's Wife quotes

  • Nan: Men are like parking spaces: all the good ones are taken, and the available ones are handicapped.

  • Jillian: He's hiding inside me.