Loneliness and loneliness are not reasons for "creating terror"

Marcelino 2022-09-10 18:31:29

1. Minimalist and profound, good at not showing off skills.

2. Fast forward to the movie title star to watch the full season until the last time he came to score and watch the cast. He didn't recognize Paul Bettany. I don't know if the face blindness is aggravated or the acting is too scalpel. There is a kind of good actor who hides behind the role and fades his personal imprint. The body is the container of the role. This is the correct way to open the face-lift version of acting. It makes people happy and respectful, and they like it a hundred times a thousand times.

The sixth episode is too textbook.

3. Loneliness is a state, loneliness is a state of mind.

People who live in groups are not alone, but they are still lonely; people who live alone are lonely, but not necessarily lonely.

Ordinary people can resolve loneliness and loneliness with the help of fireworks because of their "ordinaryness," which is even more difficult for extremely intelligent people.

Because ordinary people are "normal" under social standards, the probability of extremely intelligent people being "abnormal" is great, which explains why most ordinary people are regarded as freak/weird/freaks with super high IQs.

That’s why there are such words and sentences as "outstanding among the crowd" and "overall cold"-the extremely smart "freak" is destined to endure more loneliness and loneliness than ordinary people, and the taste will be magnified thousands of times. .

But among them, some can write Walden, some can interpret as "Beautiful Mind", luck is like a fairy tale, maybe they can be pampered by people around them, but only Ted Kaczynski becomes Unabomber.

Loneliness and loneliness, as well as the suffering caused by loneliness and loneliness, have never been a reason for "creating terror". Once you cross the bottom line and become a terrorist, you will never recover from the disaster and there is no reason to justify.

Whether it is the sympathy born out of his ordeal, the approval born out of his opinions, and the empathy born out of his hardship, all have vanished in the face of anti-human behavior.

The ending of the play makes people weep faintly but uncontrollably. Ted Kaczynski turns around in the cell and listens to the interlaced images of Bach's arbitrary rotation in the rain in front of the hut. The use is plain and conventional, but it is indescribably trembling.

Ted Kaczynski is not sad, it is the sad thing, it is the world where it happened.

The world has created too many desperate things and disappointing, but at least in this matter, he sent Fitz remedially.

Only this nemesis can catch this bomber.

Postscript on June 24, 2018:

After watching "Manhunt: The Bomberman: Unabomber" for more than half a year, I have encountered several "similar" dramas or movies, and accidentally changed the "Bomberman" drama/this matter/this person. Think more.

My world view is pessimistic, so those who tend to this world are fundamentally "evil". Although it's a bit out of context, it's a good time to say, "The world is not worth it"-well, in "Three-Body", I would probably be the "Adventist".

"Haltery" is everywhere, changing the law to toss you, crush you, why should "life" be good to you? If you have lived for so long and have never felt the "maliciousness" of the world at all, it is smooth sailing, ordinary, mediocre, boring, and even boring, maybe so many people who have suffered can not ask for burning incense and worship Buddha-don't look at those Breaking news that can be made into a movie can be understood by looking at the daily social news that we have not been abused by life, it is just that we are too lucky.

I have imagined many times--

If the world "deteriorates" to "The Handmaid's Tale" or returns to the world of "Mediocre Evil " in " Doctor Nazi" , then in "Full of Evil", "resistance" is a truly strong and vigorous "hero" "The choice; a mortal is probably a compromise, obedience, and torture; and I will probably be the one who hangs himself at the bishop's male lead's house.

If I came across something like "Aus dem Nichts" , I would probably choose like a heroine who lost her husband and child. "Living" is for those who want to live. If you don't want to, then drag the devil into hell.

If I were Jacques in "You Were Never Really Here" , without my mother, if there were no little girls, the shot of suicide would have been fired, and it would be too hard to live.

Yes, "alive" is really too bitter for many people.

But no matter how hard I am, I will never become a "bomber", and I will never become Andrew Cunanan (American Crime Story Season 2)

When "evil" is besieged, it is more necessary to "good" to break through; and because of the existence of "evil", "good" appears more important.

This weight is the panic, uncertain but still courageous shouting "Never" in "The Darkest Hour" . It is Hai Rui who is portrayed like an angel in the Bible in "Daming Dynasty 1566" . The seemingly "stupid" king of Changlin in "The Wind of Langya List "-You will think these people are "so stupid", but there are enough "smart people" doing evil in this world, there are too many NS.

If the world is so malicious to you, if the era of "everyone giving a little bit of evil" comes back, will you join "evil" and become "evil"?

I will not. My muzzle is aimed at me at best, but never at those who are innocent, who want to live, and deserve to live.

At least I sincerely hope I won't.

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