The story background-Theodore Kaczynski:a genius to a bomber

Jany 2022-09-20 18:05:28

In the early morning of May 25, 1978, in the parking lot of the University of Chicago, the staff accidentally found a postal parcel. The recipient was E.J. Smith, an engineering professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Obviously, the parcel was sent to the wrong address. The next day, the parcel was returned to the desk of the "sender" Northwestern University engineering materials professor Buckley Kriss. Kris was taken aback by a line of small print in the lower right corner of the postal packet-it said "Maybe this is a bomb". He called the school policeman and the parcel was torn apart. With a loud noise, the office was filled with smoke. The school policeman's left arm was wounded and Kris escaped. After investigation by the US police, it was determined that the bomb came from a family workshop, but all the suspected subjects were ruled out of suspicion, and the case went nowhere. No one thought that this was just the beginning of 16 terrorist attacks on parcel bombs, and no one thought that this bomb maniac was actually a young genius who graduated from Harvard University-Ted Kaczynski.

Kaczynski himself

◆Sometimes there is only a thin line between the genius and the devil

On May 22, 1942, Kaczynski was born in Evergreen Park, Illinois. He was a second-generation Polish immigrant. In the fifth grade, his IQ test scored the highest score of 167 in the school, so he was allowed to skip grades. Because he was too young in the class, he was bullied, afraid of people and houses and other confined environments. Later, he became obsessed with mathematics and jumped again. In 1958, 16-year-old Kasinski was admitted to Harvard University. In 1962, Kasinski graduated from Harvard, and then went to the University of Michigan to obtain a doctorate in mathematics in just a few months, because he solved a mathematical problem that his tutor did not solve. Retired professor Maxwell commented that "Kaczynski's doctoral dissertation can only be understood by 10-12 people in the United States." In 1967, Kasinski's paper was named the best paper of the year by the University of Michigan. Later that year, he became the youngest assistant mathematics professor in the history of the University of California, Berkeley, but some students complained that Kaczynski was nervous, stuttering, and obscure when he was teaching. In 1969, Kaczynski resigned and went home without any explanation, and lived in his parents' house in Lombard, Illinois. Two years later, he moved to a deserted hut on the outskirts of Montana, without electricity and running water. He lived on odd jobs and the support of his family. On May 29, 1979, Northwestern University graduate student John Harris was injured by a postal bomb. On November 15 of that year, the luggage compartment of an American Airlines flight exploded. Fortunately, it did not cause a major disaster; on June 10, 1980, United Airlines Chairman Wood suffered multiple burns; on May 5, 1982, Fan School administrators of the University of Deborah suffered severe burns; on July 2 of the same year, University of California, Berkeley professor Dior Giannis suffered severe burns; on May 15, 1985, University of California, Berkeley graduate student Hauser was blown out of his right hand with 4 fingers and left. Eyes are blind. Until April 24, 1995, the California timber industry lobbyist Morrie was killed by a parcel bomb. In the 17 years, Kasinski's parcel bomb attack killed 3 people and injured 23 others. In 1995, Kaczynski wrote to a number of American media asking for the publication of his paper "Industrial Society and Its Future". He threatened that this paper must be published in full in newspapers within the prescribed time limit; if you are obedient, I will Stop the terrorist attack, disobey, at your own risk! US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Lewis Foley and US Attorney General Nite Reynolds finally agreed to publish, hoping to use readers to find "college bombers" through the "People's War". On September 19, 1995, the New York Times and The Washington Post published the paper before the deadline. ◆One of the most expensive investigations in the history of the FBI. In 1978, the second year after Kasinski began his crime, the FBI opened an investigation. His codename was Unabomber-University (University), Airline (Airline), Bomber (Bomber) Constituted compound words. The FBI set up a special team to carefully study the recovery of the bombs and analyze the relationship of the victims with various methods. However, the "bombers" tried their best without leaving any court evidence. The raw materials used to make the bombs can be found almost anywhere in the United States. As for those victims, the investigators realized afterwards that Kaczynski had been randomly selected through library searches. In the 17-year investigation, the FBI used 500 agents, spent 5 million U.S. dollars, mistakenly arrested more than 200 suspects, interviewed tens of thousands of people, and received more than 20,000 calls for reporting. The FBI offered a reward of 1 million U.S. dollars for this. "University Bomber" has become one of the most expensive surveys in the institution's history. The FBI admitted that in the long investigation, they could not even determine Kasinski's gender. Fortunately there is Linda Patrick-the "terminator" of Kaczynski's fate. Linda Patrick is Kasinski's sister-in-law. She is a professor of philosophy. In fact, she and Kasinski have never met. After the media published Kaczynski's "manifesto", Linda began to doubt Kaczynski. Her basis was Kaczynski's family letter received by her husband David, which contained similar views. Linda and David walked into the library to read the "Bomberman" manifesto paper. David told Linda that after reading the first page, he understood, "From an emotional point of view, this is like my brother's argument. The style of conversation is also like his point of view." After the FBI received the reports from David and his wife, linguists analyzed and concluded that Kasinski was a "college bomber." On April 3, 1996, the FBI surrounded Kaczynski’s cabin in the wilderness of Montana. A large amount of bomb-making materials were found there, 40,000 pages of handwritten materials, including bomb-making experiments, descriptions of bomb crimes In addition to the fact that there is a bomb that is about to be mailed, this "cat and mouse game" of nearly 18 years is finally over. In the month of his arrest, Kasinski was prosecuted for terrorism, murder, use, and bomb making in the country. He did not choose to escape legal sanctions on the grounds of insanity, and even fired the lawyer appointed by the court. On January 7, 1998, Kasinski attempted to strangle himself with underwear in prison, but failed. Half a month later, he voluntarily pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to life imprisonment without bail. ◆Why did a young genius become a "lone wolf"

No one thought that what Kaczynski asked to publish was a 35,000-word philosophical work, which deeply cursed the unfreedom of modern society in the high-tech environment, the human disasters brought about by the industrial revolution, the turmoil of society, and the disappearance of meaning of life. ...The article calls for people to destroy the modern industrial system and restore the state of life before the industrial society... This declaration is the last bomb that Kaczynski throws, shaking American society, "Some people cry, some are happy, The vast majority of people stood silently without saying a word." After the publication of this paper, some extremists and anarchists in the United States turned to support Kaczynski. In 1995, a Boston artist launched a signature campaign to support Kasinski's presidential campaign. After the Orlando shooting that killed at least 50 people in June this year, many American media once again mentioned the threat of the domestic "lone wolf", and Kasinski is one of the most famous "lone wolf" in American history. In July 2011, a bombing occurred in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The murderer Breivik brutally killed 77 people. A large part of the "Assault Declaration" he posted on the Internet was copied from Kasinski. Why did a young genius become a "lone wolf"? Some people blamed the negative impact of juvenile fame on Kasinski's character development. It is also said that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) played an important role. Kaczynski was studying at Harvard University during the Cold War period. The CIA created a special "interrogation method" to try to deal with Soviet spies, using psychological warfare to destroy the opponent's beliefs and let them confess. Kaczynski became a "little mouse" because of his high IQ, discipline, and firm belief in science. He survived the interrogation experiment, but left a psychological shadow and began to doubt himself. He lived in seclusion and spent his entire life trying to edit the thesis, and his argument changed from "Science will create the beauty of mankind" to "Science will bring disaster to mankind." After finishing the thesis, he believed that the whole world should accept his point of view, so he began an 18-year terrorist operation.

●Source from NetEase

○Original title: Kasinski: From Harvard Genius to Bomb Madman's Lone Wolf Road

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