"On Industrial Society and Its Future"

Cleve 2022-05-26 15:22:06

☞You tell yourself that you're the ones in control. They obey you, your technology, your machines. But what would you do without your car, your telephone? What if all the airplanes just stopped? 10 years ago, computers were expensive toys. Today, civilization as we know would fall apart without them. You live in terror of a blackout, a computer crash, a car won't start, a phone doesn't ring. So you construct your lives, your whole society so that won't happen. Everything revolves around their needs, not yours. They buzz, you jump. They beep, you answer. So ask yourself... who's really in control? You or them?

☞I want you to think about the mail for a minute. Stop taking it for granted like some complacent, sleepwalking sheep and really think about it. I promise you, you will find the US Mail a worthy object of your contemplation. A piece of paper can cross a continent like we're passing notes in class.I can send you cookies from the opposite side of the world, And all I have to do is write your name on the box, put some stamps on it, and drop it in. And you see, it only works because every single person along the chain Acts like a mindless automaton. write an address, and they just... Obey. No question. No deviation. No pause to contemplate eternity... or beauty ... or death. Even you, for all your protestations of free will, if a box comes with your name on it, you can't even imagine doing anything other... Than obey. it's not your fault.Society made you this way. But you're a sheep, and you're living in a world of sheep. And because you're all sheep, because all you can do is obey, I can reach out and touch anyone. I can reach out and touch you... Right now

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