Beautiful fairy

Troy 2021-12-24 08:01:51

When I saw the introduction of the show in the magazine, I fell in love with the bright colors. Although the hero and heroine did not surprise me, the fairy-tale background made me full of expectations for this show.
After I saw it, I was very glad that it did not disappoint me.
Although the heroes and heroines can't touch them, they still have love. They don't need to hold hands or kiss, but I just love you. This platonic love injects a trace of fresh air into this muddy world.
Every girl hopes that she is Snow White, and there can be a prince who can save herself from the heat. When chuck is awakened by ned, I believe she should be the happiest princess in the world, although they don’t have a real princess and prince. So lucky, but the communion of hearts surpasses everything!

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Pushing Daisies quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Coroner: Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmm.

  • [repeated line]

    Olive Snook: Jiminy Crispies!