Love is like air

Clemmie 2021-12-24 08:01:51

Things you can’t do:

shake hands;

sit on the same side of the chair;

sit in your co-pilot seat;


catch you when you fall;


make love;

and all actions related to skin contact.

External claims: skin allergies.

The real situation: the first touch, rebirth, the second touch, death, forever.

Things you can do:

hold your own hand and imagine your hand;

hold the "one-armed Lem" hand, close your eyes and imagine that the person sitting opposite is you;

install it between the driving and co-pilot The glass compartment, connecting us, is a rubber glove, I said, it was for "emergency braking", I know you know;

cross your arms tightly, hug yourself, imagine you are hugging me;

let "knitting detective "Give her a hug for me;

kiss through the plastic film;

dance foxtrot on the roof in a beekeeping suit, and I caught you;

in the same room, sleeping on separate single beds, watching you every day Waking up, it's like being born again;


is there too much we can do?

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Pushing Daisies quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Coroner: Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmm.

  • [repeated line]

    Olive Snook: Jiminy Crispies!