The ratings dropped, as expected

Major 2021-12-24 08:01:51

In the first year, Pushing Daisies was very prosperous, red to yellow daisies were about to become dahlias.
It should be said that since the birth of Desperate Housewives in 2004, ABC's life has been full of nourishment, and many of its series are all similar in terms of themes and editing methods.
Always find a middle ground between real life and ideal life, with clouds covering the mist, whitewashing peace. With a little suspense, I don't look tired. After reading it, you feel that life is still very good. Using the housekeeping slogan on Mango Channel, it is very "inspiring".
Yes, the US economy was good in the past few years, and everyone was happy to find some mental anesthesia after having enough food and clothing. So if fairy tale dramas like PD were put aside a few years ago, they might be able to cater to the American dream of enduring humiliation and keeping a low profile. In the United States in 2007, a bright color was applied very appropriately. I really don’t know if it’s back to light. .

By the second year, ABC's second-year dramas all encountered Waterloo, including PD. The creators and screenwriters must not be able to figure it out. Our standard hasn't dropped. Why doesn't the audience suddenly like it?
On the contrary, it is CBS, which has always been conservative, because it focuses on enduring crime dramas, and has become a winning general on American screens this fall.
Why? After all, it must be attributed to the economic foundation.
Don’t think that the Wall Street financial crisis just closed down individual banks, making those gold-collar workers unable to make ends meet, and allowing the wealthy Chinese to enter the US real estate market...Don’t think that these hard and hard losses are the biggest disaster. The destructive power lies in internal injuries, just like the realm of defeat by martial arts masters.
The financial crisis and the sluggish economy have made Americans less confident, and now they are beginning to live a hard life. You say, what would he look at for a man who is frowning and cynical all day long?
Husbands are laid off. The TV that was once occupied by the housewives has the remote control right back to the men's hands again. So the ABC station, which focuses on women and housewives, began to cry secretly. It turned out to be a middle-aged conservative CBS, and finally exasperated. A handful.

The United States is a very emotional nation. You can say it is democracy, you can say it is freedom, no matter how you say it, it shows the appearance of an old child who loves to cry and make troubles and sometimes unreasonable. When they can't even eat, it's no wonder they become cynical one by one, so irritable, you let them go to see a fairy tale (PD)? You let them see the dirty life of the rich (Dirty Sexy Money)? You let them see lawyers full of ideals and justice, not to mention that there is no such thing in this world (Eli Stone)? ... You said you didn't hit the muzzle.
Of course, they guarded the TV at home, watched the dark side of society, watched crimes, and solved crimes, so that they could exhale viciously.
Or just go to the comedy. Think about the time of the economic crisis, Shirley Temple saved the confidence of the entire nation, and now comedy is also here to save these hopeless Americans, don't you see, this year's sitcoms, life is better. Even the worrying How I Met Your Mother seems to be happy to let Stella, who looks like his mother, out.

As a digression, this year's economic situation is not good, and TV stations don't want to take risks to develop new dramas, so the new dramas that came out this year are very lucky, and there are really not many episodes that have been hacked. It's really irritating to think of it. Last year's Bionic Women, Moonlight and other dramas, the ratings are not worse than this year's drama, why don't they have such a good life?
Another digression: Because other stations broadcast Obama’s 30-minute campaign advertisement yesterday, ABC did not kill him and continued to play its own drama. As a result, the ratings of Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money both increased a lot that day. It seems that there are not a few people in the United States who don't care about politics. ABC's senior officials are still trying to figure out how to pay from the pockets of these non-state affairs audiences.

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